Trump Xenophobia makes noise and annoys even the accommodated – CartaCapital


U.S. The Border Patrol

A Something broke in the penultimate week of June 2018: the illusion still shared by a large part of the media and the l & # 39; public opinion that we live in normal times. The coup against immigrants on both sides of the Atlantic has finally managed to sound the alarm

The tragedy of separating refugee children from their parents at the US border broke the barrier of the United States. indifference. Repudiation appeared in opinion polls as well as in individual attitudes. First, National Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, the most directly responsible for the application of "zero tolerance" against immigrants, was murdered for dinner at a restaurant and then spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders was politely invited

Between the two incidents, the first lady Melania Trump left for a detention center for refugee children in Texas wearing a jacket with the words "I'm mad, it bothers you? " to be what the United States calls the policy of whistles ("hissing dog policy", inaudible to humans), but the message to the xenophobic bases was too noisy for others not to hear [19659005] If your husband knew the story, he could tell you that he was a candidate in Mexico, it's almost a death sentence.
He remembers Adolf Hitler who, after taking the only nod of his dictatorship in August 1941 because of the Aktion T4 program for the execution of handicapped children, decided to suspend him, at least on paper.

Donald Trump made a small setback by ordering to suspend family separations, hours after insisting on them as a legal obligation, but several days later he called for the immediate expulsion of immigrants " without judges or prosecutions ". The United States and the United States themselves

Meanwhile, Fox News commentator Mark Steyn complained that "in Arizona, most elementary school children are Hispanic, the border is the same. is moved north "without realizing that" Arizona "is a Spanish name, it belonged to Mexico until it was conquered by the United States in the 1848 war and has been populated by "Hispanics" for centuries before the first American there put the In Europe, the Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, even disavowed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, insists on the census and l & # 39; registration of Roma in the country and expels those of foreign origin, although "unfortunately" can not. do the same with the Italians, as he complained in an interview on television.

"We need a mass cleaning, street by street, square by square, neighborhood by district," he said on another occasion: Viktor Orbán, Hungarian Prime Minister, on the occasion of International Refugee Day, approved the criminalization and aid and refused the agreements because "Hungary is against mixing" with foreign peoples.

Rui Tavares in the Portuguese newspaper Público "the chronicles are there to warn of the possibility of a return of fascism: it is there, unmistakable and undesirable." The time is spent to warn, the time is of resistance: Artificially inflated racial anxiety has taken the place of discontent with neoliberal capitalism whose great political forces do not dare to defy logic.

Trump will not give back to white workers and small entrepreneurs from inside the Eta United states the prosperity and privileges lost since the 1960s and its trade war must objectively worsen the living conditions of many of them, but expel the Latin Americans. The Arabs give them a symbolic compensation by feeding the fantasy that the country will have its face again.

See in the bravado of its leader against the world the illusion that the United States is "still great". His European models have led the way in fueling the rejection of outsiders as a substitute for the dissatisfaction of European technocracy and its austerity programs. It does not matter that the actual migratory movements have decreased both at the borders of the United States and the EU: their role in the imaginary has little to do with their size in reality. 666 "width =" 1000 "data-src ="

The Left has some responsibility: the lack of information on refugees and refugees from Aquarius, rejected by Italy and landed in Spain, reveals the fragility of the Europe. Courage, or the capacity for a radical challenge to the Thatcher-era single-minded, and Reagan paved the way for the false radicalism of the ultra-right, as Walter Benjamin wrote, "Every resurgence of fascism testifies to a failed revolution ". The slowness of the social-liberal or neoliberal center to understand the challenge and re But going further is more surprising because it lacks material resources. After the attitude of "re-listen, because they do not agree with us it's because they did not understand", giving the donkeys in the Brexit and the election of Trump, the spokesmen of the old consensus clung to the idea of ​​mass manipulation by Vladimir Putin and false news not to acknowledge their own mistakes.

The worst was to believe that the demagoguery of Trump and his European counterparts was an electoral theater and in the government would rule as usual, an illusion similar to that of the great men of Europe. business and bankers in the wake of the rise of Nazism in the 1930s. They are of course capitalist but their beliefs and priorities are quite different from the neoliberals to wreak havoc. shaped by decades of globalization. It is only now, judging by the behavior of stock exchanges, that the financial market is beginning to understand the problem.

Neoliberal or social-liberal governments have struggled to understand that they are not doing the usual political maneuvers. Also in April, Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel seemed to think that they were going to persuade Trump not to break the nuclear deal with Iran and to conclude trade treaties with the European Union as much as it did. They believed in continuing tensions with immigration and xenophobic escalation and in the countries of Central Europe. There are those who still deny reality: Sunday 24, at the height of the scandal with the separation of families in the United States, the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said that Trump should reassure Europe in affirming its support for democratic values ​​and the survival of the European Union.

Other, however, wake up. Monday, France, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Denmark, the Netherlands, Estonia, Spain and Portugal signed a letter of intent on the creation of a joint military intervention force. This is a small step, but interesting, because he did not expect the accession of the Central European countries skeptical of the progress of the EU integration. or even Italy, who helped design the project under the government of Paolo Gentiloni. Another sign that they understand that they can no longer depend on Washington's commitment to NATO is that the president of the European Council, Donald Tusk, warned at the same time. a preparatory meeting at the next meeting of the Atlantic Alliance in Brussels that "(European) must prepare for the worst case."

The United States Supreme Court Validates Trump's Immigration Decree

In March When He Meets the Prime Minister Swedish Stefan Lofven, Trump learned from him that Sweden did not come from NATO, but that she was an alliance partner on a case-by-case basis and responded that the United States should do likewise. Tuesday, the Spanish Javier Solana, former secretary general of the organization, was denied permission to enter the United States – normally granted without a visa to any citizen of the EU – for visiting Iran when he was heading the Atlantic Alliance and his

Trump preparing surcharges against European cars, threatening to "tax as never before" Harley- Davidson s he installs assembly lines abroad and overtly sabotages Merkel by disclosing false data about the country: he claimed, on Twitter In Germany, crime has increased by more than 10% because Refugees "and their officials do not want to denounce these crimes."

The crime is actually decreasing in the European country. He takes advantage of Merkel's weakness, threatened by the rebellion of the conservative Bavarian party CSU, a traditional ally now aligned with xenophobia AfD and Hungary, Austria and Italy to call for tougher anti-government policies. -immigration.

his government is responsible for much of the disagreements in Europe and the strengthening of the ultra-right in Italy, but if it is at a turning point in defining responses to the refugee problem and Trump's challenge, it's hard to see how the disintegration.

On the other hand, the US opposition has also taken an interesting step. In the Democratic primaries of Tuesday, 26, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defeated Democrat Joe Crowley, veteran Democrat Joe Crowley, the number 4 of her party in the House of 20, for a section of the Bronx and Queens District in New York. York.

The young Puerto Rican born up to 2017 a waitress at a bar of tacos and tequilas with degree in economics and international relations, was the local organizer of the Bernie Sanders campaign and is affiliated with the Democratic Socialists Organization of America. Crowley, a Clinton-centric Democrat who favored bank deregulation and free trade, left without convincing the young, feminist, Latino and Black bases in his district who preferred the genuine article. It is to be hoped that this awakening did not happen too late.

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