Two aircraft perform surveillance flights during the weekend


Two surveillance and coordination aircraft will conduct surveillance and surveillance flights in the north and south of the country due to the risk of fire on Saturday, said the Ministry of Internal Administration (MAI ) in Lusa.

According to the AMI, surveillance and surveillance flights will fly over the areas of Beira Alta, Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, as well as the Setúbal Peninsula, the coast and the interior of the island. Alentejo and Algarve. The National Civil Protection Authority [ANPC] will reinforce the preventive measures on the territory of the Continent, by means of the engagement of two aircraft for evaluation and air coordination with the missions planned for the regions. from the north and south of the country, "said the ministry note supervised by Eduardo Cabrita

Data are data and observation of images of forest areas and adjacent areas collected during air missions are intended to support the operational decision, especially in the definition of strategies to combat each theater of operations, as well as the identification of critical points, such as isolated settlements or other elements exposed to risk in the axis of progression of a possible rural fire.

The airplanes for evaluation, reconnaissance and coordination are part of the air assets constituting the Comba t Rural Fire (DECIR 2018) and operated since 1 July from the Viseu and Ponte de Sor air centers.

On Friday, the ANPC warned of a very high fire risk. in the district of Faro and in the municipalities of the districts of Castelo Branco, Portalegre, Santarém and Beja.

In a notice to the people about the danger of rural fire for the next few days, and following the information provided by the Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere, the ANPC emphasizes that warm weather and moderate wind are "favorable conditions for the eventual occurrence and spread of fires in rural areas".

The ANPC recalls that it is possible to make bonfires, to use combustion and combustion equipment, to burn wood, to fire rockets,
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