Two Portuguese among the wounded by boat who burned in Galicia – World


A passenger catamaran with 52 people on board burned on the island of Toxa, Galicia, Spain, in the afternoon of Tuesday. Up to now, five serious injuries have been reported and two were transported by helicopter to the University Hospital of A Coruña.

Among the wounded are at least two Portuguese, confirmed to [Correio da Manhã] Secretary of State of the Portuguese Communities. José Luis Carneiro said the two were minor injuries and have already been released. However, the number of Portuguese among the wounded can increase, since the nationalities of all the people involved have not yet been confirmed.

It is recalled that this seaside area of ​​Galicia has been known for many years to be frequented by Portuguese.

The Portuguese vice-consul in Vigo was already on the spot to assess the situation.

A total of 38 people are injured. Eight children were on board.

On the site are rescue teams from O Grove, Cambados, Arousa and Caldas de Reis, neighboring towns. The Fonten rescue agent confirmed the evacuation of 52 people, between the passengers and the crew.

The fire occurred as a result of a collision with the rocks around 4:15 pm local time (3:15 pm in mainland Portugal)

Some people ended up jumping to the sea to try to escape, and several suffered burns in the

Passengers are rescued by other tourist and private ships that passed by when the fire broke out, as well only by local teams of civil protection and maritime police.

People are helped by rescue teams, who are on site. The most seriously injured people were transported by helicopter to the hospital.

The causes of the fire remain to be determined.
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