United CPLP to "help Guinea-Bissau" – Observer


Cape Verde's head of diplomacy said Monday that the Portuguese-speaking Community (CPLP) wants to work together to "help Guinea-Bissau", welcoming the current "political stability".

"Thank God, the current political situation in Guinea-Bissau is very positive, there is political stability today, and elections [legislativas] are already scheduled for November 18," Luís Filipe Tavares said. , at the end of the Council of Ministers of the CPLP, which precedes the XIIth Summit, to be held Tuesday to Wednesday in Santa Maria, Sal, Cape Verde. The Cape Verde foreign minister, who took over the presidency of the Council of Ministers on Monday, said that there was "political will" of the nine Portuguese-speaking countries "to help Guinea Bissau to overcome this important moment in life ". The UN representative for Guinea-Bissau, Ambassador Jose Viegas Filho, defended a "more robust" representation of the Lusophone community in Bissau, an assumption the minister said deserved "no reservations" from Cape Town -Green.

"Cape Verde is a brother country of Guinea-Bissau and we will do everything to ensure that the CPLP has a strong representation in Guinea-Bissau, we are here for an hour and a half from Guinea-Bissau, I can practically go there every day. "

The heads of diplomacy of the nine member states today approved all the proposed resolutions, which will be" definitely approved "on Wednesday, second and last day of the 12th meeting of the heads of state. State and Government of the CPLP. "Today is an important and historic moment." One of the proposals is the resolution on mobility: "During the Cape Verde presidency, we will work to take a step, to consolidate the pace, to take the next step and consolidate it, "he said.

" We have never had the political conditions as good as possible to advance on this issue, "commented the Cape Verdean government, underlining the "great political will" of the CPLP countries to achieve "the dream of the nine member states of the free movement" of people and goods ". Tavares assured that the existing "constraints" will be removed. One of the obstacles that has been highlighted to advance this measure is that Portugal belongs to the Schengen area.

Asked about the proposal of the CPLP entrepreneurs to advance, for the moment, free circulation in African countries. (PALOP), the minister replied: "Absolutely, we are willing to consider, as in the field of culture and the liberal professions." Last year Portugal and Cape Verde presented a proposal providing for complete freedom of residence (working or studying) of Portuguese-speaking citizens in any country in the community.

On Equatorial Guinea, Luís Filipe Tavares said that a meeting of "will to fulfill what was the commitment to join when Equatorial Guinea entered the CPLP" in 2014, which provided for the abolition of the death penalty and promotion of the Portuguese language

. Cape Verde, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, Portugal, Sao Tome and Principe and East Timor are the CPLP Member States

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