United States and China. The world's biggest trade war begins – World


Donald Trump threatened and materialized. From this Friday, an additional 25% will be collected on US imports of 34 billion US dollars (29 billion US dollars).

The trade war officially began Donald Trump made it clear that he is ready for war. China has not been intimidated and is ready to counterattack.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce says that "the biggest trade war in history" has been launched, and the President of the United States has assured that these new rights are only the first of a kind. series of retaliatory measures.

Other surcharges will be imposed over the next two weeks on an additional $ 16 billion ($ 13.7 billion) of Chinese exports to the United States.

The US Administration accuses China of unfair trade practices and technology theft. If Beijing refuses to yield to American demands, Donald Trump has promised to impose even more penalties on Chinese products, up to a total of $ 550 billion, more than the total amount of Chinese exports to China. United States in 2017.
Global Consequences
Tariffs imposed by the Trump administration constitute a violation of the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and pose a threat not only to China but for the whole world.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce has stated that it will inform the WTO of the situation and will work "with other countries to jointly protect free trade and the multilateral system".

The Chinese People's Daily Chinese newspaper in English, qualifies the customs duties of "intimidation" of trade that will trigger unrest on world markets.

Washington's actions "endanger the global industrial chain, hinder economic recovery, provoke market volatility, and affect many innocent multinational corporations, businesses, and competing countries," according to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.

He also added that consumers are left unprotected and that the fees "will harm the interests of American businesses and individuals".
United States suffers more consequences
The United States begins a trade war with China but the consequences will also affect other countries, as tariffs are also imposed on materials such as steel, aluminum and solar panels imported from Canada, Mexico, the European Union and Japan.

New York Times The rates imposed on China affect a much larger share of the products and firms that depend on global supply chains, which means that US firms may outpace those of Chinese firms .

US companies are expected to see a 25% increase in imports of parts from China from Friday, putting US manufacturers at a disadvantage. It is disturbing that the Administration [Trump] continues to assume that the imposition of customs duties will persuade China to solve complex business problems and that it is irresponsible to minimize the impact about American workers and companies, "says Josh Kallmer, executive vice president of politics at the Information Technology Industry Council, in statements to USA Today .

For the moment, we do not know when, how, or if the war will end, it always begins William Zarit, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, in statements to Global Times says that 39, "there are no winners in a trade war." On the contrary, there are only losers, and the commercial tussle between Washington and Beijing has consequences in all countries of the world

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