US and Russia cooperate in Syria to protect Israel, says Trump


US President Donald Trump said Monday that his administration and that of Russian President Vladimir Putin would work together to ensure the security of Israel in Syria.

with & # 39; Bibi & # 39; [diminutivo do primeiro-ministro israelita Benjamin Netanyahu] and would like [os israelitas] to do some things related to security in Syria in Israel, "Trump told a news conference in Helsinki, capital of Finland, where a summit was held between leaders Americans and Americans. "Russia and the United States will" work together "on this issue, added the President of the United States, who stressed their desire" to create security for Israel. "

For its part The Russian president said that Israel has occupied much of the four hours of its meeting with Trump, the first summit between the two presidents.

Putin also urged Israel and Syria to implement the 1974 ceasefire agreement in the mountains Israel and Syria are technically at war, and the Golan Heights were the scene of the war. innumerable incidents since 2011.

Israel has repeatedly denounced that in the Syrian areas near the Golan Heights, occupied by their forces, are the presence of Iranian militiamen and the Lebanese Shiite group of Hezbollah, loyal to the government of Damascus (Syrian capital).

Since the beginning of the war in Syria, Moscow and Washington

Russia supports the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and has blocked any action by the UN Security Council.

At the conclusion of the summit, Putin and Trump felt that the meeting, held in Helsinki, had taken place at the end of the summit, was "useful" and "changed" the relations between the two. country.

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