Victims were walking in the plane when firefighters arrived, says captain | County Dublin hotels


Five of the six survivors of the plane crash in the Campo de Marte, in the northern area of ​​São Paulo, Sunday 29, were walking around the plane when the Eagle helicopter military police landed on the scene to relieve, firefighters.

The pilot Antonio Traversi, died in the accident, declared the state of emergency before falling. The videos recorded the accident.

The victims were initially assisted by the military police doctor. Fire crews arrived shortly after.

"When he [o médico da PM] arrived at the scene, the first five victims were walking around the plane, then the procedure consisted of screening: he set up a concentration zone for the victims and did a screening to see which one was the most serious.One of these considered him more serious because of the injuries that he had suffered and she was immediately saved by the l & # 39; 39, one of our rescues, "said Captain Leandro da Hora

a representative of the company Videplast, owner of the aircraft.The six survivors of the accident pass well and are out of danger. According to the latest medical bulletins, the health of the victims is stable.

<img class = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "" alt = "L & Plane that crashed into SP is removed from the runway of Camp Marte "Plane crashed into SP is removed from the runway of Field of Mars

  • Antonio Traversi – was the pilot of the aircraft and Videplast for at least 18 years and had more than five thousand hours of flight. According to the fire department, he died in the accident. His body was released by IML on the night of Monday (30) and will be taken to Santa Catarina
  • Nereu Denardi – Videplast partner. He was saved and taken to Mandaqui Hospital
  • Geraldo Denardi – Videplast partner and Nereu's brother. He was hospitalized at Santa Isabel Hospital, underwent a tomography and, according to his family, is conscious;
  • Enzo – is 17 years old and is the son of Nereus. He was hospitalized at Santa Isabel Hospital, underwent a tomography and, according to his family, is conscious;
  • Aguinaldo Nunes – coordinator of Videplast. He was saved and taken to São Camilo Hospital. According to the medical center, the state of health is stable; he has no prediction of high
  • Agnaldo Crippa – director of Videplast. He was saved at San Paolo Hospital; according to a bulletin issued Monday by the medical center, he was a victim of a secondary polytrauma and "is in the intensive care unit for adults under mechanical ventilation invasive due to significant inflammation of the respiratory tract by inhalation large amounts of toxic smoke, which negatively affects the oxygenation capacity in the lungs. "
  • " Neurologically, it remains stable, with reactive pupils without signs of cerebral bleeding, presenting a short wound blunt in the area of ​​the scalp.His state of health still requires intensive care and today, he will undergo an invasive bronchoscopic examination for a complementary assessment of the respiratory tract, "the statement said.
  • Benê Souza – a was saved and taken to the Hospital das Clínicas, his condition is stable.

In a note, Videplast says the six passengers "are hospitalized s and receive all the necessary medical care. "The statement adds that" the company management intervenes to provide the best care to all the families involved. "

" The company's activities normally follow and more Information is transmitted after investigation by the competent authorities, "adds Videplast.

The Campo de Marte airport opens at 6am but will be closed until 7pm Monday (30th), informed Infraero. Depending on the state, the closure occurs to facilitate the work of the expert.

The accident occurred early Sunday (29) at the airport of Campo de Marte, in the northern area of ​​São Paulo.

The PP-SZN aircraft prefix is ​​a dual C90 Air King, with a capacity of seven passengers, belonging to Videplast, a company that manufactures plastic packaging based in Santa Catarina. According to Anac, the aircraft was manufactured in 2008 and was in regular condition.

According to Infraero, the plane took off around 15:30 in the city of Videira, Santa Catarina, with five passengers and two crew members. The accident occurred during the disembarkation in the capital of São Paulo, about 3 hours after departure.

The circumstances of the accident will be studied by Cenipa, an organization of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB). Witnesses from Camp Mars said that the plane had attempted to land, but the pilot was not sure that the landing gear was lowered. He then hovered over the runway so that the control tower visually confirmed that the landing gear was activated. Then he tried to land and rushed. The accident would have occurred on the third attempt, by this version.

The fire caused by the fall of the plane was controlled by the brigade of Campo de Marte itself. Four victims suffered head trauma, another suffered abdominal trauma. One of the victims was rescued and taken to the Hospital das Clínicas by Prime Minister Águia's helicopter, and the rest was taken to hospitals in the northern area of ​​São Paulo.

In a note, the FAB stated that the investigators of the Regional Service for Investigation and Prevention of Aeronautical Accidents (Seripa IV), an agency of the Aviation Accident Research and Prevention Center (Cenipa), are conducting an action at the scene of the accident. March. According to the Air Force, "this is the beginning of the investigative process and the goal is to collect data: filming scenes, taking parts of the film," he says. aircraft for analysis, collect documents and listen to reports from people who have observed the sequence of events.

According to the note, the investigation conducted by Cenipa aims to prevent new accidents with the same characteristics.

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