What will prevent families from hugging rescued boys?


Histoplasmosis, also called "cave disease". It is the disease that boys kidnapped two weeks ago in the cave of Tham Luang Nang No (northern Thailand) were able to contract.

Therefore, parents and parents of boys (and the monitor who took them to the cave) will be unable to kiss and kiss them when they can meet them. This until it is misdirected if they have been contaminated or not by this disease, which is contagious.

The disease, in the absence of treatment, can be fatal.

Histoplasmosis contracts by drinking fresh water from caverns poisoned by the feces of bats and the birds that inhabit them. It results from the action of the fungus histoplasma capsulatum according to Wikipedia. It is a common disease among people with AIDS, because of the weaknesses of their immune system.

The rescue operation began yesterday. Eight boys were saved. Four and your monitor are missing. Today 's operations ended at 19:00 local time (13:00 in Lisbon).

News rectified at 18:29. The relatives of the surviving boys have not yet been allowed to visit them at the hospital where they are hospitalized. Nor do they know the identity of those who have been saved and those who have not yet been saved. The ban on kissing and hugging will take effect when they can visit them.

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