Wikipdia bar access to the site in Spain and Italy – World


The Wikimedia Foundation, which promotes Wikipedia's digital encyclopedia, has not accepted the proposal to reform the European Copyright Directive. This reform will be voted in the European Parliament Thursday at noon

In Spain and Italy, the protest was taken seriously. Until the middle of this Thursday, that is to say until the law is passed, access to Wikipedia is forbidden.

Behind the protests are the reforms of Articles 11 and 13, the European Rights Directive.

The first reflection concerns the right of media publishers to be paid when extracts from their publications are used by third parties. Already the 13th proposes the creation of a filter against the aggregation of contents that violate the right of author, as reported in the newspaper El País .

For this reason, the Wikipedia page in Spanish posts a statement that "if the law is approved, it would significantly harm the open internet that we know today."

He adds that "Actions such as sharing news on social networks, or accessing them via a search engine will become more complicated. "

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