Without the United States, the UN countries sign a global pact on migration


After 18 months of negotiations, a document approved by 192 nations is the first international agreement to address ways to address the issue of migration. The United Nations speaks of historical conquest. United States boycotts pact: The United Nations nations signed a global pact on migration on Friday, July 13, the first attempt to tackle the issue of migration on a global scale. In all, 192 countries signed the document – only the United States was excluded.

  According to the UN, 250 million people worldwide are migrants "src =" https://p2.trrsf.com/image/ According to the UN, 250 million people around the world are migrants "width =" 460

According to the UN, 250 million people in the world are migrants "the UN, 250 million people in the world are migrants

Photo: DW / Deutsche Welle

The agreement, which is not legally binding, includes a comprehensive list of commitments made by governments to guarantee the fundamental rights of migrants, encourage the development legal immigration and cooperate in border management. "This is the first time United Nations member states have come together to negotiate an agreement that covers all dimensions of international immigration in an integrated and comprehensive way," he said. The text was adopted by consensus by countries after a year and a half of intense negotiations – marked by resistance from some governments – and will be formally adopted at an intergovernmental conference in Marrakesh on March 10 and 11.

The ambassadors of the 192 countries celebrated the creation of the document, congratulating the leaders of

The Mexican ambassador, whose country is facing serious immigration problems with the United States, has called the signing of the pact of "historic day"

The UN Secretary General, António Guterres, also welcomed the document, calling it a "significant achievement". At a press conference, the Portuguese highlighted the contribution of immigrants to the world economy and declared that they were "a remarkable engine of growth".

The Slovak Miroslav Lajcák, President of the UN General Assembly, predicted that agreement, although it is not binding – that is to say that it does not force countries to meet commitments – it will change the way the world approaches the issue of immigration.

He also pointed out that the document does not dictate and fully respects the sovereignty of states in matters of immigration, but it represents a big step forward. "It's a historic moment and the potential is huge," he said.

Among the 23 goals agreed upon in the pact are broader goals, such as development and conflict prevention.

But there are also more concrete commitments, such as trying to avoid the separation of families – a controversial issue in the United States at this moment – to make arrests only in the latter case and to give access to all

Resistance to the pact

The 18 months of negotiations initially brought together all 193 United Nations states, although some of them, like Hungary, a critical position.

On Friday, after the signing of the agreement, Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó told diplomats: The government disagrees with some key points and will discuss the "possibility of dissociation" from the Pact at a meeting next Wednesday.

In September 2016, all UN countries – including the United States under President Barack Obama – agreed to initiate a process that would lead to the adoption of a new law. a global pact on migration, which has now materialized.

In a statement adopted at the time, governments agreed that none of the countries could handle international immigration problems.

Last December, however, Washington announced that it was leaving negotiations on the agreement. In a statement, the US mission to the United Nations said many points in the document were "inconsistent" with President Donald Trump's migration policies.

"We have 192 countries that have accepted the text of the pact, and the doors are open

Migration, a topical issue

The" Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration " comes at a delicate moment in international migration policy issues, when it is estimated that about 3.4% of the world's population is made up of migrants, or 250 million people worldwide.

Topic recently caused an unprecedented crisis in the government of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in addition to exposing strong divisions within Europe, affected in recent years by a refugee crisis from countries d & # 39; 39, Africa and the Middle East.

The issue is also controversial in the US East, where President Trump has taken steps to end illegal immigration.His migration policy of zero tolerance has recently t led to the separation of more than 2,000 foreign families, sparking international outrage.

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