Still, the woman did not settle down and decided to consult a second opinion of a specialist. "Although three different people told me to have an abortion, I felt that I needed to consult another institution to make sure we were doing the right thing," Leigh told reporters. from the TV channel South Bend Indiana.
The pregnant woman then goes to the University of California at Los Angeles and then to the University of California at San Diego, where doctor Parag Sanghvi and her team present a solution for her can give birth and cure cancer simultaneously.
"I thought we had to operate the young mother and see what the degree of the disease is." As we thought, it was possible to remove the tumor. baby, "explained the university doctor.
And it was so. The medical team removed the tumor from the right tonsil of Leigh's throat and 12 lymph nodes. Six months later, the pregnant woman welcomed Layne.
However, soon after delivery, the doctors discovered another tumor in the left amygdala and decided to make it work again. Six months of treatment and radiation followed.
Today, Leigh lives perfectly normal and healthy, far from the ghost of cancer. "We were so close to not having this child … every day I thank God for the blessing of having him in my life," said the new mom to the television channel
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