"You will float too!"
PRANKS FALSE! – Funny Pranks and Prank Fails from April 2018. The Weekly Selection includes IT Pennywise Joke, Melon Heads, Work Pranks, Scary Chess, Oil Chess, Fast Car Failure, Fear Cam Failures, Failure of kid, chess and funny moments taken on camera and more!
Try Try to Laugh Channel: "Prank Fails":
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Is it bad that I didn't laugh or is it that I have no soul XD
I laughed so hard my red slushie came out my nose….or was that blood
Yeah you tell em Katniss rip finnick
Those idiots that asked that hot chick if she smokes, what a bunch of homo's.
Oh , I feel Sorry about the last guy , poor man .
2:12 mina gostosa pra caralho kkkkk.
9:00 its not funny
6:05. Best. Teacher. Ever.
The 2:01 guy laughs like Jared Leto joker
29:05 da best
0:42 da fuck
If this is from 2018, then why why is it published in 2017….
Illuminati Confermed
Rise volunteer terrorist truly dinner although proud anymore criteria Olympics favor practically.
4.29 die
0:48 gogogo andd goaaalll !!!!!! yooooooo! XD
This says 2018 scares. This was posted 2017…
Some of these did'nt go wrong, they were just a little over the top.
Тупые подростки разбили стекло
1:40 so fckn fake
06 00 ?
407 and the last were the best thought he had a heart attack
Song 8:44?
1:10 OMG WTF happened there???? Did she legit trip and pass out? OMG 10/10 best prank ever!
Was seit ihr für Leute das kann nach hinten los gehen
50% its a fail complication ..
This pranks are very bad,and I can not give like to this video!
Oh my God ! the last one was horrible ! that man could have died from a heart attack or something ! jeez … I hate such pranks
Fake Yu Prank
555 อย่างโหด
2:19 ????
At 6:58 im blue is playing in the background
This is the number one most funniest prank gone wrong video or just in general prank video I could never stop laughing I couldn't laugh through any of those maybe one or two of them but all of them I just kept laughing and laughing till my heart ran out I almost passed out