Prince Charles ‘MUST’ talk about Diana BBC Panorama scandal, urges royal expert | Royal | News


Author Margaret Holder also said the BBC would be “very, very scared” if the royal family unite during Martin Bashir’s interview with Princess Diana. Harry viewed the investigation of how Bashir got the scoop – amid accusations his mother and uncle Earl Spencer had been made to accept – as a “search for the truth.” It is said to receive regular updates. Meanwhile, William has already praised the investigation, saying it “should help establish the truth” as he backed his uncle’s campaign on what the BBC knew and whether there had been a cover-up. The brothers’ common interest could be a sign of a thaw in their relationship after speculation over Harry and Meghan’s decision to step down from royal duties and move to the United States.

A source said Harry would not comment publicly on the BBC investigation but support it.

The insider said, “You don’t need a public statement to imagine how he’s feeling. People know how much his mother means to him. He has spoken in the past of loss and grief, and the immense impact it has had on him.

Kensington Palace had previously said the independent inquiry, led by retired judge and former ruler Lord Dyson, was “a step in the right direction”.

In the BBC interview, conducted two years before her death in a car crash in Paris, Diana described Camilla Parker Bowles as the “third person” in her marriage and spoke of her doubts about Charles’ suitability for to be king.

But the BBC is now accused of faking bank statements to convince Diana and Earl Spencer that staff were selling stories about her or spying on them.

A month later, the Queen urged the estranged couple to divorce, which they did in 1996.

Harry’s involvement comes as he has been warned that he could face more than half of his annual income swallowed up in taxes after spending more than 183 consecutive days in the United States.

Earlier this month, he crossed the threshold and is liable for state and federal taxes, and may also have to report to the IRS the income he receives from estates in Charles’s Duchy of Cornwall.

Beverly Hills tax attorney David Holtz said, “At best, he’s considering paying at least 50 percent in taxes, if not more.

“But his big worry must be that the IRS will be able to access all the bank accounts he has here and can demand access to the sources of all other sources of income he has, including his family.” at home.”

When Harry and Meghan left the UK, they also left the newly renovated Frogmore Cottage in Windsor, which is now the new home of a future Princess Eugenie and her husband Jack Brooksbank.

Yesterday Eugenie’s father Prince Andrew was seen driving in the grounds of Windsor Castle and may have visited the newly resettled couple.

A spokeswoman for Buckingham Palace said of Eugenie’s move: “Frogmore Cottage is a private residence for the Sussexes and any arrangement is theirs.

“They covered the cost of the renovation and the rental – they still have their home in the UK.”

Comment from Royal Expert Margaret Holder

Respect for the Queen aside, preserving their mother’s legacy is probably the only thing that holds William and Harry together at the moment.

Although separated by private disagreements and 5,500 miles, the Princes may partner with their uncle, Earl Spencer, on the Panorama scandal – something that must be scary, very scary on the BBC.

They will surely join their uncle as co-keepers of their mother’s memory flame.

Next year, the princes are set to be together for the unveiling of a statue of Diana outside Kensington Palace on July 1, which would have been her 60th birthday. Prince Charles should truly join them in paying homage to the woman who bore him two sons and devoted much of her short adult life to the service of the crown and the homeland.

So far, Charles has not commented on the Panorama issue.

Given that this led to his divorce from Diana, it is high time he did.


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