Bolton calls on GOP leaders to call Trump’s behavior inexcusable


Former National Security Advisor John boltonJohn BoltonSunday shows preview: Biden transition, COVID-19 peak in spotlight Memo: Trump continues efforts to cancel election Trump cyberfires sparks outrage MORE calls on the leaders of the Republican Party to condemn President TrumpDonald John Trump Trump campaign files re-count in Georgia GOP senator praises Biden, says Trump should accept results FDA grants emergency approval to coronavirus antibody treatment given to Trump MOREThe post-election behavior of “inexcusable” for the GOP.

Bolton in an appearance on CNN’s’ State of the Union ‘Sunday said describing Trump’s efforts to overturn election results as a’ non-violent coup attempt ‘gives’ too much credit to Trump ”.

“I think he is playing just for the time being in the hope that something will emerge that will either give him a good reason why he lost, or in his mind, maybe still win,” a- he declared. “But I think it just underscores the need for senior Republican leaders to join those who have started to come forward and say that Trump’s behavior is inexcusable.”

“The Republican Party will not be saved by hiding in a spider hole,” he added. “We need all of our leaders to come out and say, ‘the election is over.’ We are not talking about an abstract right for Trump to use his legal remedies. We have passed it.

The former Trump adviser also said that for Republican leaders worried about Trump’s reaction, there is strength in numbers.

“The more of them who come out and say, ‘He’s not representing us – he’s not following a Republican game plan here,’ the safer they’ll be,” Bolton said.

Trump refused to give in to president-elect Joe bidenJoe BidenTrump calls for recount in Georgia GOP Senator congratulates Biden, says Trump should accept results Judge dismisses Camp Trump’s trial in Pennsylvania in scathing decision MORE, who was declared the winner of the election more than two weeks ago. Instead, the president’s campaign filed a series of lawsuits in several battlefield states challenging the vote and falsely alleging widespread electoral fraud, in moves Bolton on Sunday called “an exercise of political power. gross”.

Bolton also said he thinks Biden will be sworn in as president, but “the real question now is how much damage Trump can do before that happens.”


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