Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could settle in Africa semi-permanently


Harry and Meghan are not loved. But treated like rock stars.

The following people, among those who have heard of European kingship, have already poured such juices without being false. In the absence of an independent link with kings, queens, or those who make fools, without Her Majesty's cell phone number, I now report what is reported to me.

Prince Harry and Mrs. Harry could be sent to Africa as a semi-permanent home. It's not because he mumbles that he feels happiest and most comfortable and that it's his favorite place – as if the bush was beating Bond Street. But let's remember the story. The 30's. The divorced American duchess of the Duke of Windsor, abdicated, who was hurting the kingdom? They were sent back to the distant Bahamas because they shook Buckingham. Too much stress Press. Distress.

Same here. Now. That's what I hear.

There is the problem Harry and Brother William. "It's mumbled that all this has become a bit heavy for Harry not so fast. His queen drama missus creates dramas. Wanted to give birth at home, not to assigned hospital as always. No immediate pictures of Archie baby as it is the palace routine. This is not pleasant with other members of Buckingham's upper class, and therefore far from Frogmore. In the past, the wife was not very good at playing a leading role in the palace.

Members of Princess Diana's former domestic staff see everything, know everything – everything says. The mission in Africa, they say, could be "interesting".

The stories continue to come. Like not to love is the new wife. As if Harry were not happy with his lavish spending on designer clothes. Like its old-time, long-time buds do not love Meghan. Like, forgetting all p. hoo-ha, the murmur is banishment in Africa – where she becomes an extra, not a woman leader – could do them in.

Fortunately, Her Majesty has her corgis because some of her family members have gone to the dogs. Harry wore this Nazi uniform. Randy dandy Andy "shocked" that despite photos with Jeffrey Epstein, anyone who thinks he knows Jeffrey Epstein.

Like the divorce of this son of Duchess Fergie, whose toes were sucked by another. Like his son Charles, his mistress (now wife) was closer to him than Tampax. Like Princess Anne Page 1 love life.

Harry and his wife? Watch.

Hill honors a precious poet

Hillary will pay tribute to poet Mary Oliver, winner of the Book Prize and National Book Award, who passed away this year. She once wrote: "When all is over, I would like to say: all my life, I was a bride married to amazement."

It's September 23rd. 92nd Street Y at 7 pm Mrs. Clinton will speak and read a selection of Oliver's poetry. Participants include Eve Ensler and Maria Shriver. The event is free.

Your attention is yours

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From Raoul Felder: "A Madison Avenue belt shop asked for my business card. Neither my partner, who was with me, nor I had no card. We went to my driver's house. He had an engraved card. "

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Joke only in New York, kids, only in New York.


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