Visit of cultures: the lack of coherence weighs on the cultures of Illinois


The scouts from the East Pro Farmer Midwest Crop Tour have traveled throughout Illinois today. Brian Grete, head of the East Branch and publisher of Pro Farmer, said the crops he sampled were "significantly below normal".

"Normally you go through there and you see consistency and over 200 drunk. yield, "he told Tyne Morgan, host of the US Farm Report. "There are some over there, but not enough to tip the scales."

Grete says the variability will be at the origin of Illinois's performance problems.

"There is too much variability in the culture. In both fields and fields, "he says. "It's really hard to build a varied culture."

As you can imagine, given the results of the tour already published that showed problems of variability and immaturity in Indiana and Ohio, the eastern part of the state is worse than the western part.

"In general, Illinois does not have these struggles," Grete said. Even though the crops look good on the road, Grete warned that the situation was different once you're on the ground.

"When you came to the field to take samples, we saw many jumps in rows and many plants that did not produce an ear," he said. "These are all by-products of the plantation in conditions that are far from ideal."

Farmers in Illinois certainly faced their fair share of planting conditions that were not ideal considering the historically wet spring. Grete said that when the farmers finally got into the fields, the conditions were not ideal, but they still went there because they felt that they needed to plant the culture.

"There were probably a lot of acres across the corn belt this year that should not have been planted and we still had a record of preventing the planting of acres," he said. he declares.

The soy also fight

The number of soy pods is disappointing throughout eastern Corn Belt, Grete said.

«Number of soy pods [have been] very low this year, "he said. "It's a small crop, a short crop, and that does not mean they can not have a lot of pods, and some have a lot, but there are not enough of them."

Soybeans are not only short, they are also immature.

"As seems to be the case for the third week of August, they will behave more like a double-cropped soybean than an ordinary soybean," he said.

Complete reports on crop routes, market analysis and historical comparisons are available on

Follow today's coverage:

Count of crop tour methods for overturning, short ears and other conditions

The Scouts of the Cultures Tour are waiting at an improved maturity as they head west.

Guided tour of cultures: an agronomist looks at Indiana

Crop Tour: Nebraska "Medium" to "Below Average" Soybeans


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