Progressives boil over Biden’s migration policy


Democratic activists hoped President Biden’s rise to the White House would end what they saw as a nightmarish list of immigration policies under the former President TrumpDonald Trump Graham says he hopes Trump will run again Trump says Stacey Abrams “could be better than current governor” Fight for Kemp Executive privilege poses obstacles for Trump MORE.

Yet the past week has sparked new concerns among progressives that little has changed regarding the treatment of migrants at the southern border.

Scenes of Haitian migrants painfully crossing the Rio Grande to seek asylum in the United States – only to be surrounded by border officials on horseback on the other side – brought back painful memories and rekindled debate about how far those responsible will go on to reform a system many regard as deteriorated, corrupt and inhumane.

“Your shit is yours,” said Chuck Rocha, Sen’s former senior advisor. Bernie sandersBernie Sanders In Washington, the Road Almost Never Been Taken Don’t Let Partisan Politics Hinder Texas Economic Recovery The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Alibaba – Democrats discuss price ahead of politics amid rush (I-Vt.) And senior campaign strategist who led the Democratic presidential candidate’s Latino Operation in 2020.

“You have to get there and say to yourself, ‘Look, what happened at the border is unacceptable. There’s going to be an investigation and these fucking people are going to be fired, and everything like [Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro] Mayorkas said, there are no more horses at the border, you’re going to stop this shit right now, not under my watch.

“And you’re getting tough about it,” he said.

Biden expressed regret and promised consequences on Friday after horse patrol officers were caught in a photo earlier in the week, appearing to be spinning their reins like a lasso on Haitian migrants.

Responding to a reporter’s investigation into the situation, Biden suggested the scene ran counter to national principles of inclusion and decency.

“To see people treated the way they did, horses barely crushing them and people tied up was outrageous,” the president said. “I promise these people will pay.”

Vice President Harris also said she was “outraged” by the conduct, likening the incident to “times of slavery”.

The border crisis opened another avenue for criticism within the party as well as attacks from across the aisle at a time when Biden’s approval ratings fell dramatically in the wake of the chaotic withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan.

In a Reuters poll released Thursday, 51% of those polled said they disapprove of the president’s job at this point, while 44% approve. A Pew Research survey released the same day also found a sharp decline in Biden’s reputation with the public. Fifty-three percent of Americans polled now disapprove of its performance, while 44 percent support it.

As both sides have lashed out against the administration, Biden is particularly criticized by progressives furious at the treatment of migrants and what they see as lingering damage under a Democratic administration that has vowed to reverse the harsh approach of Trump.

Many say Biden has a duty to provide a more humane refuge for those entering the country and urge him to do so in practice, in addition to his sharp rhetoric.

“We cannot allow Trump’s asylum policies to become the default,” Obama-era former Housing and Urban Development secretary Julián Castro told The Hill. “We elected President Biden to chart a new course.”

“I am happy to see President Biden speak out on the mistreatment of Haitian asylum seekers. But his administration’s use of the Trump-era Title 42 policy to deny Haitians their right to seek asylum is equally worrying, ”added Castro, presidential candidate in the 2020 cycle.

Many Democrats like Castro and immigration advocates have denounced the extension of Title 42 by the Biden administration, which justifies the rejection of some migrants because of possible public health ramifications upon entering the States- United. More recently, these fears have been linked to COVID-19.

Stephen millerStephen Miller Julian Castro overthrows Biden administration on refugee policy Why is the Biden administration turning its back on asylum seekers? Defense and national security: the fight for the evacuation after the airlift READ MORE, one of the main architects of Trump’s immigration doctrine, allegedly wanted to deport migrants via Title 42, provoking outrage at the time among many on the left. The provision still exists under the Biden administration.

“The mistreatment of Haitian asylum seekers goes beyond horses and border patrols. They are subject to Stephen Miller’s asylum policies eight months after the start of the Biden administration, ”said Sawyer Hackett, executive director of Castro’s“ People First Future ”PAC. “It’s inexcusable.”

As Biden publicly addressed the scenes that flooded the media this week on Friday, the White House has gone on the defensive amid a barrage of questions about the extension of certain border policies of the Trump era.

“First of all, these are not deportations. People are not entering the country by legal means,” said the White House press secretary. Jen psakiJen PsakiBiden does not plan to protect Trump’s documents on Jan.6. Probe The Hill’s 12:30 p.m. report – Brought to you by Facebook – Arizona Tales to Show Trump Loss by Even Wider Margin Watch Live: Psaki and Home Secretary Mayorkas Hold Media Availability said some Haitians have been denied entry into the country.

This response has not satisfied many progressives. And some members of Congress, including the influential Congressional Black Caucus, which as a group is generally quieter in its criticism of the president, voiced concerns throughout the week.

Sergio Gonzales, who heads an advocacy network called Immigration Hub, said the Biden administration should simply go back to the most basic promises the president made during his candidacy.

During the election campaign, Biden called Trump’s program a “moral failure” and in a list of commitments he pledged to “take urgent action to repair Trump’s damage and recover American values” , “Modernizing the US immigration system” and “welcoming immigrants to our communities. . He also said he would “reaffirm America’s commitment to asylum seekers and refugees.”

“Now is the time to go back to and re-commit to the vision, commitment and framework that was articulated,” Gonzales said. “It means not summarily deporting refugees and it means not keeping Trump’s policies like Title 42 in place, but ending these things and then doubling down on the original strategy.”

“It’s a good strategy, really,” he said.

As tensions at the border escalate, many point to the difficulty of resolving a process that has seen decades of internal problems, particularly at the Department of Homeland Security, which has faced numerous complaints spanning Republican administrations and democrat.

Others say that on top of that, Biden is crippled by competing national crises, making the issue more difficult to deal with. A Texas-based strategist said an influx of people entering the country during a global pandemic inherently raised health concerns.

“I think there are risks involved,” said Keir Murray, a longtime Democrat from Houston. “Due to COVID and the economy, don’t think the public is crazy about bringing in a lot of undocumented migrants.”

But Murray, who has been based in the state for many years, sees nuances in the highly polarized issue.

“People too [are] rightly upset by the cruel treatment inflicted on certain migrants. Increase in the flow of migrants [is] not [the] The fault of the Biden administration, but it took them a while to adjust and cope.

“Difficult situation all around,” he said.

And while some Democrats criticize Biden for one of the biggest immigration controversies to date during his tenure, others on the left argue the administration needs to do a better job of pointing out how many policies to expulsion began before he took office.

“Democrats are a very, very pearl clutch,” Rocha said. “Voters want someone who is going to stand up to them and say, ‘Hey, that’s not how we treat people. “”


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