Protein variety better for health


protein shake

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Amino acids have long been praised by the fitness and bodybuilding communities for their muscle building benefits. From ultra-bulky protein powders to snack bars favoring lean mass, the products available are not lacking for those looking for muscle reinforcement.

However, the popularity of proteins also means that less attention has been paid to researching its potentially negative side effects.

Posted today in Metabolism of natureNew research conducted by academics from the Charles Perkins Center of the University of Sydney, Professors Stephen Simpson and Samantha Solon-Biet, suggests that excessive consumption of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) can reduce the lifespan, have a negative impact on the mood and lead to weight gain.

BCAAs are great for adding muscle mass, but science says you could pay for it later

Dr. Solon-Biet's research has focused on the complex role of nutrition in mediating various aspects of metabolic health, reproduction, appetite and aging.

"While high-protein and low-carbohydrate diets have proven to be beneficial for reproductive function, they have had adverse health effects at the end of life and have also led to a reduction in life span" she explained.

"What this new research has shown is that the amino acid balance is important – it's best to vary the protein sources to make sure you get the best balance of amino acids." "

BCAAs can influence mood and lead to overeating

Current research has examined the effects of dietary BCAAs and other essential amino acids such as tryptophan on the health and body composition of mice.

"BCAA supplementation has resulted in high levels of BCAAs in the blood, which rival tryptophan for transport in the brain," said Center Academic Director Charles Perkins and researcher Stephen Simpson, a professor at the School of Life. and Environmental Sciences.

"Tryptophan is the only precursor of the serotonin hormone, often referred to as" happiness chemical "for its effects on mood and its role in promoting sleep. But serotonin does more than that and poses the problem, "he said.

"This then lowered serotonin levels in the brain, which was a powerful signal to increase appetite." The decrease in serotonin caused by excessive consumption of BCAA resulted in massive overeating in our mice, which have become extremely obese and have led a shorter life. "

The mice received twice the normal amount of BCAA (200%), the standard amount (100%), half (50%) or the fifth (20%) for life. Mice fed 200% BCAA increased their food intake, resulting in obesity and a shortened life span.

Increase the variety of proteins for health benefits

Graduate dietitian and public health nutritionist from the Faculty of Life Sciences and the Environment of the University of Sydney, Rosilene Ribeiro recommends consuming a wide range of proteins.

It is important to vary the sources of protein in order to obtain a variety of essential amino acids as part of a healthy and balanced diet rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.

BCAAs are essential amino acids found in foods containing protein, with red meat and dairy products being the richest sources. Chicken, fish and eggs are also nutritious sources of BCAA.

Vegetarians can find BCAAs in bean, lentil, nut and soy protein.

Foods rich in tryptophan include seeds and nuts, soy beans, cheese, chicken, turkey and, interestingly, crocodile.

A diet low in specific amino acids may be the key to weight loss

More information:
Samantha M. Solon-Biet et al. Branched-chain amino acids have indirect effects on health and shelf life through amino acid balance and appetite control, Metabolism of nature (2019). DOI: 10.1038 / s42255-019-0059-2

Provided by
University of Sydney

Put the protein shake: a variety of proteins better for health (April 30, 2019)
recovered on April 30, 2019

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