“Rabbit Ebola” first discovered in Idaho


A devastating disease sometimes called “rabbit Ebola” was first detected in Idaho, with state officials warning national rabbit owners to take precautions.

Rabbit hemorrhagic disease, or RHD, is an incredibly fatal disease that is easily spread in rabbits. It is not known to affect humans, livestock, or other species of pets.

Two dead hares near Boise Airport were confirmed positive for RHD Thursday night by the Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab in New York City – the first time it has been detected in the state. They were initially sent for testing on March 8 before being forwarded to FADDL for confirmation.

Idaho state veterinarian Dr Scott Leibsle said owners of domesticated rabbits should take steps to protect their colonies, such as raising them off the ground if they are small enough.

“Minimize any kind of interaction with wild rabbits, any opportunity for it to happen, then disinfect your boots or coverall, wash your hands before interacting with your rabbits before and after,” Leibsle said.

Often the only symptom a rabbit can have if they contract the disease is sudden death. Other symptoms include loss of appetite, a bloody nose, and feeling bored.

RHD can survive on clothing or carcasses for months and can also be transmitted by fleas, flies and mosquitoes.

Leibsle said never handle a dead rabbit in the wild and call Idaho Fish & Game if you find one.

Any domestic rabbit suspected of contracting RHD should be immediately isolated and its owner should notify their veterinarian and the Idaho Department of Agriculture.

If the rabbit survives, Leibsle said he could still spread the disease to others.

“Animals that survive could certainly pose a risk of shedding and continued transmission of the virus.”

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture has not ordered the euthanasia of these animals, nor has it called for the rabbit shows to be canceled.

A vaccine is available, but it is not easily obtained in the United States. It must be imported from Europe with the approval of federal regulators.

Leibsle said rabbit owners who want to vaccinate their animals should get together and contact a vet who would be willing to try importing it. He said he would then work with that vet to secure the appropriate permits to secure a bulk shipment of vaccine to Idaho.

New Mexico became the first state to record a case of this strain of RHD last year in wild rabbits. It has since been detected in several other western states.

Follow James Dawson on Twitter @RadioDawson for more local news.

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