Rachel Maddow urges people to ‘recalibrate’ their lives after revealing her partner’s COVID-19 diagnosis


After being on hiatus for two weeks, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow made an emotional comeback Thursday night, telling viewers that her partner, Susan Mikula, “at the center of her universe,” COVID-19[female[feminine. Maddow said that “at one point we really thought there was a possibility it could kill her,” and urged viewers to “do whatever you can not to get it.”

Mikula was diagnosed two weeks ago, Maddow said. On the day that Mikula tested positive, Maddow said she tested negative, and the two have since physically separated. Maddow said Mikula has become “increasingly sick” over the past two weeks, but is starting to recover.

“In the end, she will be fine. She is recovering. She’s still sick but she’s fine, ”Maddow said. “We’re not scared anymore like we used to be, but we really didn’t feel like it was going to go well initially.”

Maddow fondly described his relationship, saying Mikula “is the center of my universe.” The couple have been together for over 21 years, Maddow said.

“The way I think about it, it’s not that she’s the sun and I’m a plane circling around her – that would give other planets too much credit. I think that’s more pathetic. let her be the planet and I’m a satellite and I’m up there, kind of beep beep that sounds her and flashes my lights and just tries to make her happy, “Maddow said.” … my relationship with Susan is the only thing at the end of the day that I would kill or die for without hesitation. ”

Maddow then urged viewers to “recalibrate” their decisions and plans, especially with the holidays ahead.

“Believe me, anything you have calculated in your life to be an acceptable risk, as an inevitable risk, something that you are prepared to take in terms of the virus because statistically it will probably be fine with you and your loved ones ., I’m just here to tell you to recalibrate this, ”Maddow said.

She pointed to the number of hospitalizations which have increased considerably in recent weeks. On Wednesday, a record 73,000 people in the United States were hospitalized for COVID-19, and data has shown many hospitals expect to face staffing shortages as cases continue to rise. Generally speaking, Maddow explained, “There’s no more room for you in the hospital.”

The news and policy host acknowledged that people might be more willing to risk themselves now, having faced the pandemic for more than half the year, but said the virus was not giving people the “choice” of whom or how badly it would affect. Somebody.

“I would have done anything, I would have moved mountains so that it was me who was sick for the last two weeks instead of Susan. I would always give anything for that, but this thing is not giving you. not that choice, “Maddow told me. “You can’t say I’m ready to get it on my own and play the odds… it won’t necessarily be you. This will be the most important person in the world, and how can you stand that?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, along with local, state, and federal officials have recommended that people refrain from traveling on Thanksgiving. Many also recommend that people celebrate the holidays only with those they live with, to avoid further spread.

Maddow repeated the warning, saying, “Yeah, it’s gonna suck, but it’s gonna be so much less bad than you or someone in your family gets this and gets sick.”

“This thing is scary as hell. Whatever you’ve been willing to do to risk getting it, don’t do it,” Maddow said. “Do not do that.”


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