Rage 2: Global post-launch events and detailed extensions – Game Rant


Rage 2 The release date of May 14 is in less than a week, which means it's the right time to start detailing post-launch content plans. Friday afternoon Bethesda revealed his Rage 2 A post-launch DLC roadmap, a mix of free content and premium content to be released between launch and fall 2019. It details plans for free content, including the DLC World Event, Wasteland Challenges, cheat codes and weapon appearances, complete extensions with new story content.

Free post-launch content is a big part of Bethesda's plans for Rage 2. And what seems to be the biggest part of Rage 2Free post-launch content plans are its global open world events. The roadmap states that the game will feature one global event per month, with titles such as "Bring the Ruckus", "Mech Yourself before you destroy", "Global Warming", "Mutant Derby" and "Rageisode 2: Attack drones. These are likely to be dynamic events around the world with reproducible content.

Beyond world events, Rage 2 Players can also expect a variety of other free content. For example, some weapon appearances will be made available for free, cheat codes will be unlocked, new vehicles will be added and new Wasteland challenges will appear. It's safe to say that Rage 2 Buyers will have plenty of time to keep the game interesting throughout 2019, even after completing the game.

With regard to premium content, the roadmap refers to both full extensions and microtransactions. Two extensions are listed in Rage 2The future. The first, Rise of the Ghosts, will be launched in August, while the second will arrive this fall. Both Rage 2 Extensions offer new content, weapons, capabilities, vehicles and areas to explore. The roadmap also insinuates that weapons skins will be available for purchase because only some skins will be free.

road map rage 2 2019

Those who played the original Rage will remember exactly the feeling of badly ending a game and knowing that there is nothing left. Rage 2 makes a clear effort to prevent history from repeating itself. It is a clear priority for players to want to stay in the world of Rage 2 Once the story is complete, enjoy world events or have fun with cheat codes. J & # 39; hope Rage 2 book on this idea. He certainly has the opportunity.

Rage 2 Released May 14 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.


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