Raising mosquito killers to fight harmful pests


HOUSTON – Mosquitoes: harmful pests that have a powerful bite.

In a laboratory in the far north of Harris County, a special brand of mosquito is created to combat the problem in Precinct Four.

"In Harris County, we currently have about 58 different mosquito species. Of these, 57 actually take a blood meal to produce eggs. The grouped mosquito that does not take blood meal, is not really a mosquito. And we use it to help get rid of some others, "said Anita Schiller.

This special breed is known as the mosquito killer.

"It's the butterfly of the fly world. They are absolutely beautifully adorned with blue and gold scales on their beautiful little bodies, "said Schiller.

Schiller calls himself a "dedicated naturalist" and leads the laboratory of the Precinct Four Biological Control Initiative, where scientists can breed up to 86,000 mosquito killers in a month. Once raised, they begin their mission impossible.

"The mosquito killers will lay their eggs in the same containers, same vessels, in the same habitat as the harmful mosquitoes. So, while they are in the water, they are feeding on it, "Schiller said. "So, a mosquito eaten is a mosquito less than flying biting."

These mosquito killers are also visible at the Houston Museum of Natural Science's Cockrell Butterfly Center, in Houston's Museum District, to protect butterflies.

"The Cockrell has some illegal mosquitoes. And of course, this is not entirely desirable, but they can not do anything with pesticides because if they did, they would also kill all the butterflies, "said Schiller.

Schiller therefore decided to use the mosquito killers to kill the stowaway mosquito, as well as to collect data on their impact.

"Perfect marriage," said Schiller.

Work underway at BCI is fully supported by Jack Cagle, Commissioner of Harris County, County of Four.

He said he was excited about taking a more natural approach to mosquito control.

"By developing our own native mosquitoes that do not sting but pollinating, we need more pollinators. You like your flowers, you need pollinators. So we are able to help our environment and protect ourselves by working with nature rather than trying to snap it, "said Cagle.

But will there be a day when mosquito killers will no longer be needed?

Schiller says no. But says that they will continue to help.

"I'm going to have to burst that bubble, this dream. This will not happen. In themselves, they will not be the cure. However, if we use them together and in an integrated approach with other control strategies, we may be able to do it, that shot at once, "said Schiller.

And even if these mosquito killers help suppress the mosquito population, you can still take steps to do so while protecting your home and your environment from mosquitoes.

Reduce the number of breeding sites near your property

Since female mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water, reducing the amount of stagnant water will minimize breeding sites and limit the number of mosquitoes. Check gutters, old tires, cans, containers, and saucers at the bottom of flowerpots for stagnant water that can become fertile ground for mosquitoes – then drain or discard them .

Kill mosquito larvae

Mosquito eggs hatch into larvae about three days after laying. If you have stagnant water around your property, such as for bird baths, for example, be sure to change the water each week to kill the larvae.

Keep your house without mosquitoes

Mosquitoes love the light. Therefore, if possible, minimize outdoor lighting known to attract mosquitoes. In addition, check windows and screens for places where mosquitoes can infiltrate.

Find the right mosquito repellent for you

The Environmental Protection Agency has created an easy-to-use tool for searching for an insect repellent that's right for your lifestyle and needs. Click here to try it.

West Nile Virus and you

According to the Centers for Disease Control, West Nile virus is the leading cause of mosquito-borne diseases in the continental United States. Commonly spread to the population by the bite of an infected mosquito. "

Control of mosquitoes and public health vectors in Harris County indicates that wild birds can carry many diseases. Although the death of domestic cats is the most common cause of bird mortality in our area, if you find a dead bird around your house, you should take it seriously.

To report a dead bird, you can use this form. According to the control of mosquitoes and vectors of HCPH, the department will test dead birds if they meet the following criteria: no signs of trauma, died for less than a day and no sign of ants or larvae.

To check if West Nile virus has been reported in your area, click here.

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