Random: Nintendo reminds us that yes, the switch will eventually no longer receive NES games



The monthly additions to NES games arriving on Switch have become a routine right now – in fact, three more are on their way to April – and despite the mixed feelings of service subscribers, this routine seems to be here to stay.

However, all things – good or bad – must end, and new marketing materials for the online service have been identified and include this in the fine print. Nintendo Switch Online is currently launched in Hong Kong and these flyers indicate that additions to the NES software can not last forever.

This is an obvious point, of course – Nintendo will eventually adopt a new system or will no longer have NES games to provide if the switch stays miraculously for decades – but it's an interesting note that is not usually present in Switch Online. publicity.

Does this mean that the end is near for the NES application? If so, is it because the SNES application, which has been proven, finally arrives? In all honesty, probably not, but Nintendo can be almost impossible to predict so who knows?

What do you think of the selection of NES games on Switch? Do you want the service to continue or to see it leave? Tell us below.


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