Ranking the four classes of the “ Outriders ” demo, so far


Okay, well, I finally managed to complete the Outriders demo by taking all four classes to max level, which is only 7 at the moment, which gives you two skill points and four skills. in total. There is a parcel more to flesh out as the game is designed around a pretty deep build, but I think it’s time for my first level ranking list based on what I’ve seen so far.

Obviously it depends on what you got as there definitely could be some gear that increases the power of one move or another, but just from my general playtime it’s so that I would rank the four classes of Outriders right now.

1. Trickster

Across all the classes, it’s hard to say that all of them are more fun for me than Trickster, who uses teleportation and the ability to slow down time to be the best class “up against you”, even though it’s not a tank at the bottom.

It’s even hard to pick a favorite Trickster ability. The blade that apparently ages enemies to death? The teleport movement behind them for a gunshot or instant melee? But the best and the most beautiful has to be the slow time bubble, which slows down enemies and their bullets, creating some of the coolest fighting moments in the game. The class simply sinks and rarely feels like you need to curl up in cover, and can stay action-oriented instead. It was the last class I tried, but unequivocally my favorite.

2. Devastating

I had to look up the name of this class because I keep calling it “Geodude”, but Geodude you are, locking yourself in rocks and causing earthquakes in your wake.

It’s another “you really don’t need to be in cover” class where you gain health by killing enemies nearby, but unlike Trickster, the plan here is to be a walking tank. The earthquake moves are a big disruption, and we’ve seen subsequent moves that have you skewer enemies on stalactites (stalagmites?), And it’s just a joy to play. I don’t let go of the understanding of the physics of “leaping backwards in the air and slamming an enemy like a rocket” movement, but I like it. I think this class plays best in a group, but can still be a lot of fun solo.

3. Technomancer

For my money, Technomancer is probably the “best” DPS class I’ve used, because once you can get a bunch of their gadgets at the same time the results are pretty unfair. The Freezing Turret, in particular, can reach 100% uptime, which means it always turns enemies into chunks of ice. Rocket Salvo is probably the highest damage move in the demo.

Technomancer is lower here just because it feels… kind of like other existing classes in different games, like it’s been taken out of The Division or something. It’s effective, sure, but in those early stages I had more fun with the previous two because they felt unique. Not quite feel that way with Technomancer yet, although they are very effective in combat.

4. Pyromancer

This was the first course I tried, and what I run on PC while the other three are on console. Still fun, and “instantly pulling health from an enemy move” in particular is particularly good, but this kit so far hasn’t really done that for me, and it hasn’t clicked in terms of damage yet. global. Naturally, this is the only class I have found a legendary on so far, because of course it is.

I’m going to give it more time and still think it can be fun, but if I had to make a ranking order like I’m here, Pyromancer comes last for now. This could change in the future.

So who is your favorite?

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