(READ) CDC changes definition of ‘vaccines’ to fit limits of Covid-19 vaccine


Photo by: Kristine Wook

The following is an analysis of the news.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have carefully “evolved” the definition of vaccination to meet the declining capacity of some of the current “vaccines,” including Covid-19 vaccines.

The original definition, prior to 2015, stated that vaccines “prevent… disease”.

From 2015, the definition was changed to say that vaccines “produce immunity” without necessarily preventing disease.

After the introduction of the Covid-19 vaccines, and it was discovered that they do not necessarily “prevent disease” or “provide immunity”, the CDC again changed the definition of vaccines to say that ‘they only “produce protection”.

The find was made public by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky) who tweeted the definitions.

Massie also included archived links to the definitions:

Instead of requiring the drug to meet the definition of “vaccine,” it appears the CDC has changed the definition of “vaccine” to reflect what the drug does.

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