Red Dead Online will present a complete role-playing system this summer


Red Dead Online announced today a new surprise update and Rockstar has also announced upcoming additions that will be in preparation for the rest of spring and summer. The most important announcement here is the future addition of "roles", which allow players to choose a specialization and increase that role within the border.

It's an intriguing contrast with Grand Theft Auto Onlinewhere players focus on acquiring property and wealth. Here, Rockstar has chosen to create the true path of progression centered on the player's choice and abilities.

May and June

Players will receive new missions and free clothing on May 21st. On May 28, there will be new content for the Free Roam and Showdown modes, followed on June 4th by another Showdown mode. They also add the Free Roam event of Railroad Baron, focused on capturing cars in a moving train on the map. The June 11 update will include another Showdown mode and numerous store additions, some of which are time-limited.

Throughout these updates, there will be weekly bonuses including cash and gold giveaways, increased payments for missions and care packages.

Update of the summer

The update of more important content, for which no exact date has been announced, is planned for this summer. Players will be able to progress in three roles, either by focusing on one role at a time to advance quickly, or slowly, mixing and matching game styles.

The first of these roles, the bounty hunter, searches for wanted criminals. The second role, the collector, looks for treasure in the world and sells their finds. Finally, the trader creates a company in his camp. These are just the main roles to be added to the game, and we can expect other roles to manifest themselves throughout the life of Red Dead Online.

Each role will offer a unique game loop, as well as new weapons, outfits and specific cosmetics.

We get more information about each role and the exclusive content they receive in the game, but it's a promising sign for the future of Red Dead Online. Although she can never compete with the show and spice of GTA Online, it seems she is trying to come up with something a little more personal and grounded.


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