Release Date: Amazon’s New World will be released on September 28, 2021


Amazon Game Studios has delayed its next MMO, New world, in the fall of 2021. The game was previously scheduled to launch in late August, but the new release date is September 28, 2021.

This is the most recent of multiple delays for the game. “We know that this is not the first time that we have changed our launch date for the sake of quality, and that it can be disappointing to wait a bit. Longer ” the developers said. “But we want to make sure that we give you the highest quality game possible at launch.” The team cited comments from the closed beta as a setback to the game.

You can read the full statement on New World’s Twitter page here.

The aforementioned delays began in April, where the studio cited problems created by lockdowns from the coronavirus. In July 2020, the studio announced that the game would be postponed until spring 2021. Then, in February 2021, the studio postponed it again to August 2021. The initial target date was May 2020.

New world is an MMO where you are tasked with colonizing a fictional landmass in the Atlantic. The game features 50 vs. 50 battles where entire groups compete to take the field. Amazon previously hosted a preview event with thousands of players to collect their feedback. Then it became a chaotic attempt to simulate a mid-1600s war.

New world is one of three PC games announced by Amazon Game Studios at TwitchCon 2016. However, delays and cancellations impacted all three titles. Their multiplayer brawler Break away was canceled during development. Their other title, Crucible launched in May 2020, only for the studio to cancel the game’s release and bring it back to closed beta. The team then ceased development of Crucible in October.


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