Rep Crenshaw on Biden’s lifting of transgender military ban: ‘People should serve openly’


Any American willing and able to serve in the military should be allowed to do so, R-Texas Representative Dan Crenshaw said on Monday after President Biden lifted a Trump-era restriction on transgender people in the United States. service of their country.

Crenshaw, a retired Navy SEAL officer, told America Reports that however “the devil is in the details” on Biden’s order.

“Under Trump, transgender people could serve openly. What was wrong was having taxpayer-funded sex reassignment surgery. It’s a pretty reasonable policy to adopt,” he said. declared.

“Look, I think people should serve openly and tell people what their identity is. That’s good. I want to see Secretary Austin stick to what he said in his testimony, that is- that is, we will meet the standards of anyone who can meet. those standards should be able to serve. “

Crenshaw said taxpayer-funded sex reassignment surgery in that aspect would hurt the military’s medical readiness.

“You cannot deploy if you are not vaccinated or have the proper dental records in place. How are we supposed to deploy people and maintain our fighting position and should the taxpayers pay for it?” He asked.

According to ABC News, Biden’s order ensures that medically necessary gender transition operations are accessible to all military personnel.

Crenshaw also commented on another executive order from Biden – revoking the license for the Keystone XL pipeline between Alberta, Canada and the American Great Plains.

Lawmakers have said the inevitable spike in gasoline prices will cause the most tax damage to working-class and poor communities, and that killing the pipeline does little to meet the stated goal of reducing emissions. .

“It’s a terrible policy,” he said, noting that crude oil will simply be diverted to highways or rails. “If you care about the environment, if you care about the economy, because it costs tens of thousands of jobs.”


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