Report: 9 states have an obesity rate higher than 35%


In the United States, nine US states had an adult obesity rate of over 35% last year, an increase from the seven states reported at this level the year before, according to data compiled by Trust for America's Health.

Based on research conducted by the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), researchers found that obesity rates were highest in Mississippi and West Virginia (39.5%) and the lowest in Colorado (23%). The nine states with an adult obesity rate equal to or greater than 35% are Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri , North Dakota and West Virginia.

Rates of obesity were higher among people with low incomes and among people of color, both of whom are more likely to live in areas where access to healthy foods, to the activity physical and widespread marketing of unhealthy foods was less.

"These latest data show that our national obesity crisis is worsening," said John Auerbach, president and CEO of Trust for America's Health, in a statement. "They tell us that in almost 50 years in the rising curve of obesity rates, we have not yet found the right combination of programs to curb the epidemic." and calls for lifestyle changes are not enough, but our report highlights the fundamental changes needed in the social and economic conditions that prevent people from eating healthy foods and getting enough physical activity. "

The group notes that children enrolled in the special supplementary nutrition program for women, infants and children have seen their rates of obesity decrease, as have areas where local taxes on sugary drinks have been imposed.

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