Republican PAC airs an ad showing the face of the AOC on fire


A Republican-affiliated political action committee aired a controversial television commercial during the first democratic debate, showing a picture of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez burned in the flames.

The PAC, New Faces GOP, was created by former California Republican Congresswoman Elizabeth Heng, and aims to "raise the new generation of Republicans," according to her website.

In the advertisement, commented by Heng, a photo of Ocasio-Cortez flares up as Heng says, "It's the face of socialism".

"Does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know the horror of socialism?", Adds Heng in the commercial by showing a picture of skulls in a Cambodian extermination camp in Cambodia.

"My father was just minutes from death in Cambodia before a forced marriage saved his life. It's socialism: forced obedience. Starvation. "Heng said in the advertisement.

"Mine is a face of freedom, my skin is not white, I am neither scandalous, nor racist, nor socialist. I am Republican, "she says.

Ocasio-Cortez answered the advertisement On Twitter, they write: "Republicans broadcast TV commercials and throw images of me on fire to convince people they are not racist. Life is weird! "

She added that she thought advertising was designed to appeal to white supremacists.

"Know that it was not an advertisement for young conservatives of color – that was the pretext" she wrote. "What you just watched was a love letter to the GOP's white supremacist case."

Some Twitter users rushed to the Ocasio-Cortez defense – and blamed ABC for distributing this controversial ad.

"You have broadcast a a d which puts the life of an American representative in danger. #Responsibility," a Twitter user wrote.

"Why would ABC allow this a d on TV? Oh yes, it's a for-profit company that does not care about the safety of the AOC, " another added.


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