You can get the dark mode of Gmail, but only if you use Android 10.


If you've already been updated to Android 10 (whether you're having trouble or not), you could be one of the first dark-mode actors for Google's email app. This is not yet done for everyone, but many users report having seen the dark mode switch to Gmail.

It's pretty strange to only be available on Android 10, even without all the settings. With Android 10, you have the opportunity to switch from light to dark, as well as an automatic mode that follows the themes of your system. This is a clever and really useful tip, but older software and phone users must at least be able to manually switch between light and dark modes, even if they can not use automatic changes.

To be fair, there is a possible workaround if you are using older versions of Android. If you're rooted, you can also load the newer Gmail APK, and then edit some indicators in some files for Gmail, which could trigger the switch to dark, depending on your phone. It may be more headache than it's worth, however, but you have options.

source: XDA developers

Born in southern Alabama, Jared spends his time selling phones and spends his spare time writing about them. Android's enthusiasm began with the original Motorola Droid, but the enthusiasm of the technology currently covers just about everything. He likes PC games, Lenovo's Moto Z line and a good productivity app.


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