Researchers develop a new technique that strengthens the brain below and in time


You probably rush to prepare your summer body. However, as you probably know, daily fitness is the key to building a stronger body and maintaining long-term health. However, how often do you train your brain?

In recent years, research and even applications have highlighted the power of training your brain and its ability to combat the development of neurological diseases and improve overall cognitive performance.

Researchers from the Gold Research and Education Institute have recently propelled brain training to a whole new level by developing a technique that can induce changes in neural networks in less than an hour.

High intensity brain training

In the study published in the scientific journal Neuroimage, researchers explain in more detail their new technique. Brain training with neurofeedback has the ability to strengthen neuronal connections and the means of communication between different brain regions.


For the uninitiated, neurofeedback, also called neurotherapy or neurofeedback, is a form of biofeedback that uses real – time displays of brain activity, most commonly electroencephalography, for the purpose of. teach self-regulation of brain function.

Neurofeedback itself is promising and excited by many researchers. Neurofeedback may be a potentially powerful way to regulate dysfunctional brain areas associated with disorders such as chronic pain and depression.

As mentioned by Theo Marins, a biomedical scientist from IDOR and the Ph.D. head of the study, "We knew that the brain had an amazing ability to adapt, but we were not sure of to be able to observe these changes so quickly, to understand how we can influence brain wiring and function is the key to neurological treatment.

L & # 39; study

The Gold Institute's study for research and education included thirty-six healthy subjects with the goal of increasing the activity of the brain regions involved in the movements of the hand. 19 of the participants received "true brain training" while the other participants had a placebo experience.

In just thirty minutes, researchers immediately analyzed neural networks to assess the impact of neurofeedback on brain wiring and communication.

In short, the researchers found that the brains of participants in real brain training had increased integrity and that the neural network controlling body movement was strengthened.

The team wants to continue more tests and develop new studies to check "whether patients with neurological disorders can also benefit".


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