Researchers discover another disease transmitted by ticks


Researchers have identified a new tick-borne disease in Inner Mongolia. In the United States alone, at least 16 diseases have been identified that ticks can transmit to humans, reports NPR.

The discovery, disclosed in a study of New England Journal of Medicinemeans that we do not really know how many diseases transmit ticks.

"We continue to discover new viruses," says a Mayo Clinic researcher who did not participate in the study. The patient from Inner Mongolia, a 42-year-old woman with a history of tick bites, went to the hospital with fever and headaches. The researchers ruled out tick-borne diseases usually present in the area and then used genome sequencing to isolate the pathogen they named for the woman's home village: the Alongshan virus , or ALSV.

The tests revealed that 86 more people in the area had ALS; all recovered after treatment with an antiviral and an antibiotic.

In Kentucky, a tick bite left an unconscious 2 year old for nearly a week. Jackson Oblisk developed a fever that reached 105 degrees; he had spotted fever in the Rocky Mountains.


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