Riot seeks to add non-Mythical League elements to ‘fill in some gaps’, including Enchanter anti-dive and anti-split tank elements


While the developers of Riot have completely revised the League of Legends system of articles this year, they are not yet completed.

Game Director Andrei “Meddler” van Roon discussed the state of the game in today’s “lol pls” video, focusing on the new item system that debuted in Season 11. And Riot is looking to add a few non-mythical items to “fill in”. in some gaps.

“Some examples of these are an enchantment item we’re trying that is supposed to be good against heavy dive or anti-carry teams or a tank item aimed at countering split pushers so that even if you don’t You’re not a splitpushing champion yourself or able to do one-on-one Trynd splitpushing or whatever, that’s always a good thing to turn to in those situations, ”said Meddler.

While Season 11 already has five patches, Riot wants to add more to complete areas that may be lacking. An enchantment item that’s good against diving comps can help a support protect their AD portage if the opposing team stages a four-player assault in the bottom lane. And tanks getting a counter for split lifters would help reduce pressure, especially if they lose a lane.

The goal of the new item system was to provide more choice, create diversity, balance, and excitement for new and returning players. But with such an endeavor came a few hiccups.

Meddler believes the individual items have overshadowed potentially interesting building choices, like Goredrinker and Sunfire Cape. Riot has touched on a few overkill outliers this season already, like Shattered Objects, Bami’s Cinder Gear, and Systemic Healing. And it looks like there are more goals going on to improve the state of the game.

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