Rise in COVID-19 cases raises concerns over return of restrictions


Long Island’s seven-day positivity rate is on the rise, raising concerns that COVID-19 restrictions may be reinstated.

The island’s seven-day positivity rate is 1.23% and the single-day rate is now close to 1.6%. In addition, 174 more cases have been reported across the island. This is the highest number of new cases in a single day in almost two months.

John Zartler, of Smithtown, says that with the increase in cases, he keeps his mask on even though he’s fully vaccinated.

“I’m not the healthiest person in the world. I would like to be,” Zartler says. “So I will always wear a mask when I walk into the stores. Outside I try not to and I always try to socialize and stay as safe as possible.”

Some parts of the country are reinstating the requirement for indoor masks, even for fully vaccinated people. Officials in Nassau and Suffolk told News 12 they have no plans to require masks indoors for those vaccinated.

“There has been a slight increase in cases, which is not unexpected,” said Laura Curran, Nassau County manager. “To me, it’s a reminder that if you haven’t been vaccinated yet and are eligible, seriously consider it.

Curran says the county has the highest percentage of people vaccinated among the large counties in the state. According to the county, 96% of seniors have received at least one dose of the vaccine, compared to 86% statewide and 89% nationally.

“Nassau County has one of the highest immunization rates among demographic groups, including young people who have relatively lower immunization rates than other age groups,” Curran said. “Sixty-two percent of COVID-19 cases last week were in people 30 and under. This virus is a real risk to the unvaccinated, and getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself and loved ones from illness or dying from COVID. “

Doctors say that with the delta variant here in the region, it is a reminder that the pandemic is not over.

“I think everyone is changing with this new variant,” says Dr Mangala Narasimhan, of Northwell Health. “I think it makes everyone nervous. I think if you’re vaccinated we haven’t seen any serious cases, but you can still get COVID. You can give it to other people as well, and you can making people in your house sick. I think the data is changing with this COVID variant. I think we all need to be on our guard. I’m not saying we need to go back to masking, but I think you need to take a look to your own household and see what the risk is that you live with. “


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