Risen with a new look]Google Maps tests a floating scroll bar search by category


Google is always trying new things with the Maps application interface, moving side menu items to the floating layers button, implementing different designs of the bottom bar in different regions and lately , by handling more and more changes corresponding to the new appearance of Material Design. And now, we have a new change: a flowing category search bar is displayed at the top of the screen.

We have only received one advice, so maybe the test is limited. Reader Max tells us that he sees this bar on the latest beta of Google Maps, but that I can not reproduce it on my devices. The Layers button is moved to the left of the screen and floating category bubbles can be scanned to reveal more. Bubbles also have a very "Material Design 2.0" look, so they come with updated maps that will feature all the wizard and social networking features advertised to I / O.

Currently, six categories appear: restaurants, cafes, supermarkets, gas stations, pharmacies and hospitals. (I can see the same thing when I type the To explore button in the bottom bar of my devices, except that hospitals are replaced by ATMs for me.) Typing on one of the bubbles just starts searching. So, there is nothing new in terms of functionality.

Max indicates that bubbles are sometimes not visible when launching the application. However, the area where they are supposed to be is not functional (you can not touch, move the map, etc.). Once a landmark is exploited and it comes back, they appear. This seems to be a very early test.

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