Rising coronavirus cases fuel fears of resurgence as Biden ramps up vaccination campaign


  • Biden: “Please get vaccinated please”
  • Shares fall as investors fear further closings
  • Canada will reopen its border with the United States

July 19 (Reuters) – The rapid rise in coronavirus cases in the United States and abroad fueled fears of a resurgence of the pandemic on Monday and sent shockwaves through stock markets as the variant Highly contagious Delta seemed to be taking hold.

Many of the new outbreaks have occurred in parts of the country where COVID-19 vaccinations have been delayed, prompting political leaders to step up pressure on Americans reluctant to get vaccinated.

President Joe Biden, citing higher rates of COVID-19 in states with low vaccination rates, said during a speech that the country’s economic recovery depends on improving control of the pandemic. (Graph on American cases)

“So please, please get vaccinated,” Biden pleaded. “Get vaccinated now.”

A federal judge ruled Monday that Indiana University may require students to be vaccinated, dismissing claims in a lawsuit that the warrant violated their rights under the U.S. Constitution.

The decision could set a precedent for similar vaccination orders in schools and businesses. Lawyers for the plaintiffs said they would appeal to a higher court.

Also on Monday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said fully vaccinated Americans could cross the border for the first time in 16 months from August 9, easing a travel ban that many business owners say was crippling them. .

Vaccines and especially compulsory injections are deeply controversial among conservatives.


The average number of new daily COVID-19 cases in the United States has tripled in the past 30 days, according to an analysis of Reuters data, reaching 32,136 on Sunday.

People wearing face shields walk on Hollywood Blvd during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Los Angeles, California, United States, March 29, 2021. REUTERS / Mario Anzuoni / File Photo / File Photo

The average number of people hospitalized for COVID-19 has also increased by 21% in the past 30 days to more than 19,000, according to the same Reuters analysis. Deaths, which may lag behind other metrics, rose 25% last week to an average of 250 per day.

Wall Street has seen a large sell-off of shares as investors fear the latest outbreaks will prompt state and local authorities to impose further lockdowns and business closures.

Millions of Americans were made redundant and many small businesses were forced to shut down due to nationwide crackdowns in 2020.

Los Angeles County has already ordered residents to wear masks indoors again following an increase in cases in southern California.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told a press conference on Monday that the city has no plans to reimpose mask warrants despite an increase in cases. The mayor said he would redouble vaccination efforts.

Arkansas has been particularly affected by the resurgence of the virus. All but two of the state’s 75 counties have substantial or high levels of transmission, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Delta variant is responsible for 90% of current new cases in Salt Lake County, Utah, state epidemiology official Ilene Risk said.

To combat the rise in infections, the county has used religious leaders and doctors to persuade about 40% of eligible people who are not fully vaccinated to accept the vaccines, she said.

The American Academy of Pediatrics on Monday released updated recommendations for schools that included mask wear for all people over 2 years old, regardless of their immunization status.

Earlier this month, the CDC updated its own guidelines for schools in a bid to help reopen in the fall, recommending indoor masks for anyone not fully vaccinated, between other directives.

Reporting by Maria Caspani in New York, Anurag Maan in Benagluru, Sharon Bernstein in Sacramento, Rich McKay in Atlanta, Tom Hals in Wilmington, Delaware and Dan Whitcomb in Los Angeles; Editing by Howard Goller, Lisa Shumaker and Richard Pullin

Our Standards: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


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