Rising prices for multiple sclerosis drugs have shattered Medicare costs


OIn a recent 10-year period, rising prices for multiple sclerosis medications have increased Medicare spending by more than 10 times, and Part D recipients have seen their spending seven times, according to a new study.

Specifically, spending on multiple sclerosis drugs per 1,000 health program beneficiaries increased from nearly $ 7,800 in 2006 to more than $ 79,400 in 2016. At the same time, patient spending per 1,000 beneficiaries increased from $ 372 to nearly $ 2,700 for multiple sclerosis patients. during this same period. And the annual cost of treating these patients has risen from about $ 18,600 to nearly $ 75,900 or 12.8% per year, according to JAMA Neurology's analysis.

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