Rocket Report: Iranian launch failure, SpaceX rideshare business booming


The Electron is ready to go.
enlarge / The Electron is ready to go.

Welcome to Edition 2.13 of the Rocket Report! There's a lot of spaceX SpaceX has really shaken up the small business with its new-and-changing plans to launch satellites for a very low cost. The company also had a big week with its Starhopper test vehicle.

As always, we do not want to miss an issue, please subscribe using the box below (the form will not appear on the AMP-enabled versions of the site). Each report will include information on small-, medium-, and heavy-lift rockets as well as a quick look ahead at the next three launches on the calendar.

Iran fails at another orbital. Satellite imagery shows that an Iranian rocket appears to have exploded on the launchpad Thursday, NPR reports. Imagery from the commercial company Planet showed smoke billowing from the Imam Khomeini Space Center in northern Iran. The pad had been given a fresh coat of paint in recent years, and many vehicles had been spotted around the site in preparation for the launch attempt.

Not a good batting average … If you're keeping score at home, this is Iran's third orbital launch failure of 2019, giving the country a record of 0-for-3. The exact type of rocket that failed Thursday is unclear, but the circular pad had previously been used to launch a type of two-stage, liquid-fueled rocket known as the Safir. The rocket is relatively small and can carry only small satellites into orbit. Iran was thought to be preparing for another satellite launch. (submitted by Ken the Bin)

X-37B record sets for spaceflight duration. The Washington Post reports that the Air Force's ultra-secretive, uncrewed spacecraft has a miniaturized version of the space shuttle just broke its 719 days in continuous orbit. The spacecraft launched into orbit in 2017 on a Falcon 9 rocket.

So what's it doing in Earth orbit? … Previously, the Air Force has said, "The primary objectives of the X-37B are twofold: reusable spacecraft technologies for America's future in space and operating experiments which can be returned to, and examined, on Earth." Beyond that, we're deep into the realm of speculation, but one thing is definitely going to work.

German company building smallsat launcher. German satellite maker OHB is developing a rocket space for small payloads. The Chief Executive Officer Marco Fuchs said in an interview with Bloomberg. The company has a team of about 35 employees in Augsburg, southern Germany, working on a so-called mini-launcher designed to bring small payloads to a low-cost approach, the CEO said.

Next logical step … "To build our own rocket is a logical step for OHB," Fuchs said in an interview at the company's headquarters in Bremen, Germany. "We will become our own customer and launch our own satellites." It may be the next logical step. Developing a rocket is time-consuming, costly, and not as easy as it sounds. The company did not comment on the potential launch sites.

SpaceX increases rideshare program flight rate. On Wednesday, the company said it has "received a lot of interest and great feedback from customers" for its proposed Falcon 9 rideshare program for small satellites. As a result, instead of flying just one mission to a year, the company is now in charge of the Sun-synchronous orbit, for ESPA class payloads, for as low as $ 1 million per mission.

An intriguing development … plus, the company said, it will offer opportunities for launching a mid-market, or even a monthly basis on Starlink missions, as well as missions to Sun-synchronous and / or polar orbits. The company has updated its website for the program here. This is a fairly interesting development, which is indicative of the demand for small-satellite spaceX.

Rideshare vs dedicated smallsat. Earlier this month, the same day as SpaceX announced its rideshare launch plans, Arianespace offered a similar service. The company says it will fly directly to geostationary orbit on an Ariane 64 in the first half of 2022. The GO-1 mission will be able to carry up to 4,500kg of satellites, placing them in GEO just six hours after launch. "There is a market out there," said Wiener Kernisan, president of Arianespace's U.S. subsidiary, according to SpaceNews. Arianespace is in talks with three or three potential customers, and it is expected that the first deals will be signed three to six months ago.

Price versus convenience The advantage that Arianespace and SpaceX offer is small, but it's a lot of money. If small-launch-vehicle providers are worried about losing business to lower-cost rideshare options, they're not publicly showing concern. Dozens of companies are working on small launchers, and there is widespread belief in the launch market. This will be part of the major shakeout of launch providers over the next few years.

Starhopper aces first significant flight test. On Tuesday evening in South Texas, SpaceX launched its Starhopper test vehicle for the second time. During this test, it was much longer than last month, almost straight up to 150m. Then, under the power of a single Raptor engine, the vehicle smoothly moved laterally for about 100m before a controlled descent and touchdown in the center of a landing pad.

Next stop, suborbital flight? From a technical standpoint, the test was impressive, demonstrating the thrust and vector control of the new Raptor engine. This was the first time a large rocket engine burning liquid-methane propellant made a significant flight, and it appeared to be mostly, if not entirely, successful. SpaceX engineers can take confidence in this test as they move on from Starhopper and into their builds of Starship orbital prototypes in Texas and Florida later this year.

Battle over Europa Clipper rocket intensifies. On Tuesday, NASA General Inspector Paul Martin wrote an extraordinary letter to the US Senators who determined the budget for the space agency. In effect, the independent NASA official asked for a debate on the subject of current rocket science. NASA should use to launch its multibillion-dollar mission to explore Jupiter's Europa moon, Ars reports.

Stay in your lane … Congress, in appropriations legislation, has for several years mandated that the space agency launch the Clipper mission on the Space Launch System rocket. NASA could get as little as $ 1 billion less by using commercial rockets, Martin wrote. What's remarkable about this letter is that it is certainly not enough in the world, but certainly it is important to know that the future of rocket scientists should be deciding on the best way for Jupiter , on time, for optimal science. (submitted by Tfargo04)

No changes imminent to Air Force procurement. The Air Force launch-service procurement is meant to buy national security launches for 2022 through 2026, but it does not stop there. But SpaceNews reports that the Pentagon currently has no plans to make any changes to the program, said Ellen Lord, Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment.

A battle of four … "There are no changes imminent," said Lord Monday at a Pentagon news conference. But she did not completely rule out future revisions to the National Security Launch Phase 2 Launch Service Procurement. "Lord said." Four companies submitted proposals for Phase 2 Procurement: United Launch Alliance, SpaceX, Northrop Grumman, and Blue Origin. (submitted by Ken the Bin)

Boeing complete SLS rocket engine section. Officials from NASA and the rocket's prime contractor Boeing formally signed off on the first assembly of one of the most complicated elements of the SLS booster. The SLS Core Stage is a complete and comprehensive review of the Michoud Assembly Facility, reports.

Core stage completion finally coming … The engine section is the compartment where the main propulsion elements come together, propellant, hydraulic, pneumatic, and electric interfaces of four RS-25 engines. Boeing is hoping to complete the course of the internship by the end of this year, allowing for a Green Run test of the vehicle in 2020. (submitted by platykurtic and Ken the Bin)

Next three launches

August 30: Rokot | GEO-IK 2 satellite | Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russia | 2:00 p.m.

Sept. 10: H-2B | Eighth HTV supply mission to ISS | Tanegashima Space Center, Japan | 21:33 UTC

Sept. 25: Soyuz | Soyuz MS-15 crew mission | Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan | 13:57 UTC


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