Brexit leads to plant closures, billions of dollars lost and staff cuts: Jaguar maker Land Rover warns that it could close British plants after Brexit. "We were planning to invest another 80 billion in the next five years"


today, 5:54 pm


Bianca Ciocotisan


Jaguar Land Rover Executive Director, Ralf Speth, said Thursday that in the case of an adverse Brexit arrangement, planned investments for the next five years could be affected and could even be forced to close some factories, reported the BBC. "An unfavorable Brexit deal could erode Jaguar Land Rover's earnings by more than £ 1.2 billion each year, so we'll see we need to drastically adjust our spending profile." have spent about 50 billion pounds in the UK over the past five years and plan to invest another 80 billion in the next five years, "said Ralf Speth, executive director of Jaguar Land Rover [19659003] most UK's largest automaker, owned by the Indian company Tata Motors, says that in case of a bad deal with Brexit, the company should close its factories. "If we were to leave, as part of an unfavorable deal, then we should close the factories we have here in the UK, which would be very, very sad.It is hypothetical until the end of the year. now, and I hope this is an option we will not use, "said Ralf Speth for the Financial Times, quoted by the BBC.

Warnings from automakers' leaders are part of discussions in the UK Parliament on new post-Brexit customs regulations. UK lawmakers to debate the government's legislative proposal on post-Brexit customs regulations on 16-17 July

It is possible that the debate could provoke a new conflict between British Prime Minister Theresa May and Europeans. The legislative proposal is called the cross-border tax law

The period of debate is an opportunity for the Parliament led by the Conservative Party of the Mayor to support the maintenance of the United Kingdom in a customs union with European countries. Theresa May does not support this, but has not yet found a favorable option for both the Cabinet and the Brussels officials.

The legislative proposal aims to transform the existing customs agreement between the EU Member States into a bilateral agreement between the EU and the United Kingdom

Customs policies are among the most delicate subjects of the Brexit negotiations. The proposals are currently disputed at the governmental level

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