The Ministry of Economy has completed the steps for the recovery of 51% of the shares of Mangalia Shipyard


Codrin Ştefănescu, deputy secretary general of the PSD, said tonight in a TV show that the Ministry of Economy has completed efforts to recover 51% of the shares of Mangalia Shipyard

We recall that In March 2018, the Romanian State announced that the negotiations with the strategic investor interested in DMHI Mangalia Shipyard, Damen Shipyards Group, were completed. As a result, the state would become the majority shareholder of the site

"Thus, the May 2 SA Mangalia Works site waives the right of preference for the acquisition of the participation of Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering in Daewoo Mangalia Heavy Industries SA Mangalia, followed by Damen Shypyards Group will award free 2% of the stock package to the shipyard May 2 SA ", communicated by the Ministry of Economy in March

Thus, the structure Ownership of the joint venture resulting from the partnership will be as follows: 51% Naval Shipyard 2 May SA, 49% Damen Shipyards Group

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