We also have a project We adopt a school by which company employees support Scratch programming courses in three primary schools in Bucharest, Timisoara and Cluj-Napoca. Grade 4 students will learn to develop apps in the popular Scratch programming language, from January 19th to June 15th. The initiative began last year in Cluj-Napoca, where 7 SAP volunteers "adopted " Emil Isac School
At the end of the six-month course, students will learn search and use media resources, analyze images and videos using libraries, follow tutorials and instructions, test and fix bugs, create animations, program notions: sequences, loops, events, conditional structures, operators and variables, elements of design
Scratch a programming language developed at the MIT Media Lab, is used by students, teachers, parents to easily create animations, games, applications. It was created especially for children ages 8 to 16, but is used by people of all ages. Even though not all children end up following a career in programming, skills developed using digital game learning, such as creativity, systematic thinking, teamwork, are needed to better understand and solve challenges.
In a digital world like today, programming is a fundamental skill, with math and reading, but too few children have the opportunity to learn how to program, this discipline being rarely taught at school . From Here We Adopt a School We want to create a fun and exciting platform where children learn not only to program but have the opportunity to be creative using the # 39; scheduling. Even from the first Scratch meetings, we had very good feedback from the kids. They are very curious and want to discover as much as possible. Of these 25 enrolled students, we have no absences, "said Sarbrina Mitu, SAP Hybris Trade Business Analyst and initiator of the project.
Transforming all aspects of the company, businesses to local or national governments.Transformation is still underway thanks to new sessions: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Internet of Things, Cybersecurity or Data Science.An increasing number of jobs in all industries require a certain level of knowledge in technology or computer.According to the World Economic Forum, 65% of first-year children today will have jobs that do not exist today. The role of the SAP initiative is to make children understand and even create the applications and games that they so often use, capabilities that will allow them to keep up with rapid technological change
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