The major Romanian brands are twice as numerous as the national economy


The Dacia brand remains the most valuable Romanian brand in 2017 and the only one that surpasses a billion euros, while new brands created by entrepreneurs and private companies over the past 29 years generate 2 billion Value EURs Brands, brands and brands dominate the brand Finance Finance in Romania 50 2018.

With an increase in international sales through the Renault network (more than 90% of local production is exported), Dacia will not be destroyed too soon. Evaluating 1,234 million euros, slightly higher than last year, Dacia is also one of the few Romanian brands present in the world rankings – ranked 60th in the Brand Auto Finance 100 2018. [19659003] The best brands increase from 2 to national

A notable evolution is the increase in the value of the overall ranking: thus, the cumulative value of the 50 brands has increased by 14% compared to the ranking from last year, to 4.3 billion euros. The rise is twice as high as the record of the Romanian economy as a whole – another proof that strong brands are outpacing the rest of the economy.

"With a flower is not spring," says the Romanian proverb. 50 strong brands can not be ignored. We see a strong dynamic of the main Romanian brands, a development partly fueled by overall economic growth – but with a double fault of it. More than 40 of the 50 brands studied have appreciated and appear to be well prepared for the future, "said David Haigh, Brand Finance CEO.

The top 10 marks last year a slide from BCR to 8th place in 10th place with a decrease of 18% over last year – which has enabled BRD and Electrica to climb a place

<img src = " image / jpeg; base64 / 9d / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD // gA6Q1JFQVRPUjogZ2QtanBlZyB2MS4wICh1c2luZyBJSkcgSlBFRyB2NjIpLCBxdWFsaXR5ID0gNQr / 8P + 2wBDAKBueIx4ZKCMgoy0qqC // 8Nzc8P /////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////// 2wBDAaq0tPDS8P ////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////// wAARCADIAMgDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL / 8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQAAAF9AQIDAAQRBRIhMUEGE1FhByJxFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3ODk6Q0RFRkdISUpTVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eXqDhIWGh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5usLDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4 + Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3 + PN6 / 8QAHwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL / 8QA tREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSExBhJBUQdhcRMiMoEIFEKRobHBCSMzUvAVYnLRChYkNOEl8RcYGRomJygpKjU2Nzg5OkNERUZHSElKU1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ3eHl6goOEhYaHiImKkpOUlZaXmJmaoqOkpaanqKmqsrO0tba3uLm6wsPExcbHyMnK0tPU1dbX2Nna4uPk5ebn6Onq8vP09fb3 + PN6 / 9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCQEHpSFAagzThIR3oAcY / Sm4Ip4lHcU4FW70ARbvWlyKcyjePpSFPSncApQ1M5FG71oESZFLTAaXNFgHUhoBoNIYw9aQ049aFHBpoGMFLuNKV9KbTEOVvWnVHRSsBJRSA5FM / GkMkopF6UtACUUtJQAlFFFADChHakqxSFQeooAgozUpjHammMj3oAQOQc5p4k9RURBHUUUAThlPegoDUGacHI70APKHtScilEvqKcGVqAGBhTqUoDTdhHencBTQvemk460KwHWgBF4epNoJNHFIG cigRGQQaXaSM07B389KcMDNAyMZpMVI + + + MUwg4zikxocpHSnVEOtS0AxKKWkoEJRS0UAOopaKYhKKWigYmKQoD2p1FAEZi9DTDGw7VNRSArkEUDoasdajwMtQA1WYdKeJPUU5FBQUGOgBNytS7BTChFHIoAVl9KZyDTw57inblPtQABhj0pM5VqCmehppBUcdKdwFPKDFKpIAyOPWm5wuDT0OVFIEGAeeKWjAzRQAlFLSGgBKKWigB9FFFACUUtFACUUUUAJRQaBTAWmfxH6U mfxH6UgG + YQcDGKcJh3FRHqaSgCwJFPelwDValBI6GgCcoKYYzTRKw75pwm9RQAmGFLvPenh0Pel2g9KAGZVvak2ehpxjqPDAnFADiWUetOVhgDNMEhHUUu5G6jFAElJTQv91qUFu4oACKKdRQAtFFFABRRRQAUUUUAIaQUpooAKZ / EfpT6YfvH 6UAQt940lK33jSUAFLSUtABRRk0UAFGSOlFFADhIw75qZTuGTVftU8fSgBSoNNMYp9FAEewgjBpcsvWnHqKfQAzcMelFKQvpRQAtIaWkNACiikBpRQAUUhNISaAFNFM3HOKfQAUw9T9KfSbcmgCIjmggY6UHNJg0ANIxj3p23jNN9qfg4oAaBRSikzQAUlLRQAnapo lQ1NH0oAfSc5prkjGKdyKAA9RRmkPaloAM0UgooAWiikoAWlFJRmgAPWmmloJoAb3pzHA4pvenkgdaaENycdaUE7qMrSjB5FAxgxjrTdxIpcZpOgpAM707ccYpO9OoATkCkp1FADQKCKdQaAGVLH0qKpY + + lACv2pd1I / Soz1NAEp7fWikPQfhRQAtFA5OKKBC4PpSVJQelAyOiiigApDS0HpQA3vTmGQKb3pzcAUANxg05OpphPOacnemAqnjr61G3U0dzQelIBnenA02nUALSUUUALQaKKAGVJFUdSRUwHP0qM9TUj9KjPU0gJP4R FBxmj + + + EfhQetAB3opO9FMRJmkyaSikMKOKKKADikNFFADe9SEZFRnrT2 7TEJs96VRjPOaYaemOcUAR9z9aD0oPU / Wg0hjcjHvS02nUAFLSUUALRRSUANqSOo6kj60wHP0phHNPfpTCCTSAd / BQetB 5QRzTEGKKWigBaKWkpDCiiigAxSYpaQ0ANNPb7tMNPb7tMQ2lTqaTaacqkZpgRn7xoNK33jSHpUjGU4U2nCgAooooAWkpaKAGU + + + PrTKfH1pgSEZFJilopAI33aDQ3Q0GmAUUlFAh1FFFIYUUUUAJRS0hoAaaf2php5 7TEISfWhPvGm4pyfepgNb7xpDSt98000gG06m06kMKKKKACiijFADe9Pj60zvT060wJKKKSkAHoaQ0p6GkxmgBKKXFFADqKKKACiiigApDRRQAw1J / DUZqT + ++ HmmIbzSqCDmjd6ChSSeaYDX aaac4Jc4oEfqaQxmeMUChhh iBQDSAXFLSZooAKM0UUAN705OtN705Bk0wJCcUcn2pQAOlJSAMAUUhNJmgBc0UlFAD6KKKACiiigBKDRRQAw1J / BRRTQiOnJ96iimAEgOc00ue1FFSMbmjNFFAC5o4oooAMCjHvRRQAhGKenFFFADs0lFFACYpaKKACiiigD / 9k = "data-src ="×70-00-65.jpg?v=1529909636 "alt =" CBR, the biggest bank of Romania [19659008] Read: The last SIF comes from BCR. Bank rating, slightly higher than BT

Digi (RCS & RDS) has strengthened its brand value with a 24% increase to 186 million euros, thanks to the growth of the turnover and to the wide implementation of the DIGI brand. At this rate, it is not excluded that DIGI will accede next year to the ranking of global telecom brands.

Banca Transilvania maintains the position of the largest Romanian banking brand – valued at 148 million Euro, up 14%, being the only Romanian bank to appear in the global ranking of Brand Finance Banking 500 2018.

With strong growth potential in Europe and the US, Bitdefender remains the most valuable Romanian technology brand, valuing 118 million euros . Consistently ranked as one of the best antivirus solutions in the international charts, Bitdefender received in 2017 a significant validation of commercial value following a transaction that valued the company at over $ 600 million
] Mihai Bogdan, Managing Director, Brand Finance Romania:

The retail and banking sector dominates the ranking

With regard to the industries present in the ranking, with the exception of the "auto" category ", rather peculiar, e-commerce) continued to generate the highest brand value: 1,078 million euros with a remarkable annual growth of 33% and each of the 11 brands growing . The most valuable are the electronic trading platform eMag eMAG and distributor Dedeman (which remains the most valuable 100% Romanian brand) – with significant increases of respectively 27% and 47%. ] BCR awarded more than 1,000 employees … ” class=”lazyload img-thumbnail”/>

Read more: BCR has granted more than 1,000 credits to StartUp Nation

Banking brands describe a strong sector in the study Brand Finance Romania 50, generating 419 million euros worth of the brand and occupying three of the top ten places. Nevertheless, the evolution of the sector has been uneven, with Banca Transilvania and BRD recording strong growth, while BCR, CEC Bank and Bancpost have fallen in the ranking due to the decline in value

New and old [19659004] New brands created by private entrepreneurs over the last 28 years occupy more than half of this ranking, generating a brand value of nearly 2 billion euros

Among the Romanian brands, it attracts the attention of TVR which loses value and slips down the rankings. With a value of 15 million euros, TVR has fallen this year due to the decline in its economic performance and its relevance.

Two brands entered this year for the first time between the top 50 – the DONA pharmacy network ranks 46th and the insurance company Asirom 48.

 BCR, the largest bank in the world world, a ...

BCR, the largest bank in Romania, increased its profits by 28%% in T1

Inevitably, for every brand that enters the ranking, another brand must leave, so this year we will no longer find the brands Azomures and Siveco. These movements are normal, and do not necessarily mean a poor performance of emerging brands, but rather the more pronounced growth of other brands in all categories – proving the existence of a dynamic brand landscape

" The relationship between brands and consumers Last year, the Romanian civil society created expectations for brands to adopt an attitude and withdraw from the media who engage in "false news" and which impede progress. This is a test and reminder that the value of a brand is not stored in a safe but is created and developed in the minds and hearts of people, "says Mihai Bogdan, director General, Brand Finance Romania

In addition to analyzing individual brands, Brand Finance has also included the most valuable 10-brand portfolios for companies that operate more and more. A brand on the market. These 10 portfolios include more than 40 known brand brands, the most valuable of which are already included in the individual ranking.

Rated at 139 million euros, Ursus Breweries remains the most valuable multi-brand local portfolio with three brands present in the individual stand, including Ursus beer (31 million euros). ) and Timisoara beer (60 million euros) – the oldest and most valuable local beer brand The 10 portfolios, worth together EUR 552 million, are the same as in the previous ranking, and all recorded increases in value – with a remarkable increase of 19% over the past year

Each year, Brand Finance's consulting and valuation firm evaluates the most valuable brands in the market. world. The 50 most valuable Romanian brands are included in the Brand Finance Romania 50 2018. In summary, the value of a brand equals the net economic benefit that the brand owner would get by marketing the brand on the free market

Photo Source: otomobil / Shutterstock

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