Rolls-Royce wants to launch in the production of taxis – Companies


The luxury car maker of Rolls-Royce designed a propulsion system for a taxi and began looking for partners to help plan for the future to bring this car to the skies in the next decade, according to Reuters. Rolls-Royce said Sunday that he has developed plans for an eVTOL, a flying vehicle capable of taking off and landing vertically, which could carry four to five people at speeds of up to 400 kilometers per hour over approximately 800 kilometers [19659003] The company, which manufactures aircraft, helicopters and ship engines, joins many companies trying to manufacture flying taxis, which could revolutionize the way in which people travel

The Rolls-Royce design will be presented digital at Airshow Farnborough, which begins Monday. The company is looking for a lawyer and a partner to help sell the project.

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