Liquidity of only 20 million lei – Print


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The main stock market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange ended the trading session in the middle of the week in negative territory, with most prices ending falling day, on a turnover of only 20 million lei, 3 million euros), below the average this year, about 45 million lei.
Gabriel Aldea, senior broker of Tradeville, told us: "We are marking today (not yesterday) a fall session for the Bucharest stock market indexes, this trend being found at the level of several markets in the region, while the BET-NG index of energy and utilities (-0.53%) recorded the value closest to the previous day's closing, measured by the BET-BK index, with only 0.08% drop.
On the main segment, the largest increase was recorded by UAMT shares (UAM), with 11.63%, the appreciation being carried out on a very small volume, of only 1,037 shares, for the BET index, we note the consistent appreciation of MedLife (M) shares of 2.97%, but this is also due to a small volume
.ad today (nr yesterday), by shares Petrolexportimport (PEI), with 14.46%, on a low turnover of 2 79 shares Among the shares of the BET index, the largest decline was recorded by Romgaz (SNG), with 2.15%, against the third market value of the turnover
In more shares of SNG, BRD – Societe Generale (BRD) and Purcari Wineries Public Company (WINE) were also classified as liquidity, both marking corrections in the previous session. In the case of BRD, the shares were corrected by 0.45% on the basis of the largest turnover of yesterday (not yesterday), of 426,302 shares, and in WINE, the shares posted a sharper decline of 3.01% in the context of the day's second BSE business, of 137 132 shares. "
BRD shares recorded transactions worth 5.73 million lei, the latest listing of the bank being 13.42 lei, in time the WINE shares closed the stock market at the unit price of 17.7 lei / share, the value traded with the shares of the wine producer amounting to 2.47 million lei
The SNG securities ended the trading day at the unit price of 31.8 lei
The fourth place in this high was occupied by the shares of Banca Transilvania (TLV), which concluded the meeting of the stock market at the price of 2.49 lei / share, in stagnation, in the context of a 1.92 million lei j race
Two transactions took place across the "hill" market.
One of them, worth 2.8 million lei, was realized with titles Carbochim (CBC), at the unit price of 14 lei, with 5.26% above the reference.
There was also a transfer of "deal "with shares Condmag (COMI), at the price of 0.017 lei / share, down 8.11%, the value of the transaction being 0.17 million lei
out of the 13 most significant market share cash, excluding FIS, decreased by 0.19%, while BET Plus, the 40 most liquid shares of the stock exchange, recorded a depreciation of 0.21%.
The BET-FI index of the five SIF + Fondul Proprietatea (FP) fell by 0.34% and the BET-XT index, which holds the 25 most liquid shares on the stock market, 08% .


* Top of the highest increases
1. UAMT (UAM): + 11.82%
2. Oltchim (OLT): + 4.55%
"MedLife" (M): + 2.97%
4. "Turbomecanica" (TBM): + 2.92%
5. "Dafora" (DAFR): + 2.50%

* Top of the greatest decreases
1. "Petrolexportimport" (PEI): -14.46%
2. "Electroputere" (EPT): -6.45%
4. "Synthesis" (STZ): -3.57%
5 "Alumil" (ALU): -3.45%

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