MEP Andi Cristea defends Teodorovici: "If he did not care about Romanians, he would not have helped the country's economic revival" – News from sources


PSD Eurodeputy Andi Cristea defends the Minister of Public Finance, Eugen Teodorovici, after launching the hypothesis of a limitation of the right to work in other countries.

"The Minister of Finance is not a lover, he is not usually found in Romania.The money is never enough and periodically pronounces the word" taxes and duties. "Eugen Teodorovici was and remains a prosperous minister in the recovery after austerity at least one thing is worth it: not to be taken out of context and to be listened to: without the Romanians, this would not have helped the country's economic recovery , nothing changes in the working regime of Romanians abroad is to support the return home and the work of Romanians for the Romanian economy, "writes Andi Cristea on Facebook.

The statement by the MEP comes in response to the fact that the Minister of Public Finance, Eugen Teodorovici, said on Tuesday that he had proposed to EU finance ministers to limit the right of every worker to working in a country, can only do for a certain period of time. The finance official claimed that he had raised this issue at the level of his colleagues, finance ministers in Europe.

Teodorovici also pointed out that, unlike Western countries in need of a system to combat unemployment, Eastern countries, including Romania, need a system of return for the unemployed. migrant workers. differentiated to ensure a balance.

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