All eyes on the CCR – The war between Parliament and the HCCJ on protocols, on the table of constitutional judges – News on sources


The Constitutional Court is currently debating the notification of the President of the Chamber of Deputies concerning a constitutional conflict between the Parliament and the High Court of Cassation and the Public Prosecutor's Office, with a view to concluding the secret protocol with the SRI in 2016. The parties had until October 22 to submit their views to the Court. and two weeks ago, the CCR postponed the debate, according to

The referral to the Constitutional Court was signed on 8 October by the deputy speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Florin Iordache, to whom the President of the House, Liviu Dragnea, delegated his duties the same day.

On 24 August, Darius Vâlcov, advisor to Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă, published on his Facebook page a protocol concluded between the High Court of Cassation and Justice (PICCJ) and the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) on 7 December 2016.

The next day, Justice Minister Tudorel Toader announced on Facebook that he was commencing the judicial proceedings for the assessment of the executive activity conducted by Attorney General Augustin Lazar. In response, the Attorney General stated that the theme of the Protocols was "false" and that all aspects relevant to the Protocols had been brought to the attention of the Supreme Council of Magistracy and the Ministry of Justice.

Gigi Becali said that he had won the match with the army: "We will recover the Steaua! It is an atomic bomb, that is to say we definitely destroy Talpan & # 39;

On 25 September, PSD MP Florin Iordache declared that the protocols concluded by the Prosecutor General's Office with the IRS were out of order and that Parliament is considering very seriously the hearing of the CCR concerning a legal conflict of nature. Constitutional. "By signing these protocols, the Attorney General has completed the Code of Criminal Procedure and turned the SRI into a criminal prosecution body.We analyze it if it is not a constitutional dispute. and if it is necessary to dismiss the Constitutional Court, "says Florin Iordache. .

Civic movement The Romanian initiative informed Monday the prosecutor's office at the High Court of Cassation and Justice of a possible conflict of interest in the case of the delegation of Liviu Dragnea attributions of the President of the Chamber of Deputies to Florin Iordache and his referral to the Constitutional Court. in connection with the existence of collaboration protocols between the prosecution and the IRS, which, according to the organization, could serve as a pretext for reviewing convictions or erasing evidence from criminal records.

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