Amazing revelation on Gigi Becali! Mihai Bendeac made the announcement


Mihai Bendeac announced that the actor who played Catalin Zmarandescu in the TV show "Mondenii" had become the bodyguard of Gigi Becali in real life. A photo that proves that it triggered a wave of reactions on social networks.

"I DO NOT CREATE THAT !!! The interpreter of "Mondenii" of Smarandescu is now, forever, the Gigi bodyguard"Was Bendeac's message.

See the photo with Gigi Becali and the bodyguard – actor.

"When dreams come true", "Gigi should pay you a monthly commission because you have found a higher education bodyguard", "Romania is the country of all possibilities", here are some of the reactions on Instagram.

"Mondens" is a parody series broadcast between 2006 and 2014 in which five actors entered the world of Romanian characters. Dragos Stoica was the one who imitated Gigi Becali.