Dance and Crafters of Disunity, Government Meeting at Union Hall in Alba Iulia


Government of Dăncilă, in Alba Iulia

Government of Dăncilă, in Alba Iulia

Government of Dăncilă, in Alba Iulia

The place chosen for the government meeting is the room where the union between Transylvania and Romania was signed.

The government led by Viorica Dăncilă participates on Thursday in a solemn session in Alba Iulia. In the Hall Unirii, symbol of Greater Romania, reopened for the glorious executive meeting, will take place the illusions of Toader, Teodorovici, Daea and Carmen Dan.

Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă will hold an atypical government meeting on Thursday from 10:30 am, from the citadel of Alba Carolina, in the Unirii room, in Alba Iulia.

The place chosen for the government meeting is the room where the union between Transylvania and Romania was signed.

Before the solemn meeting of the government, the Prime Minister met with His Eminence Irineu Pop, Archbishop of Alba-Iulia.

Prime Minister Dăncilă launched a new appeal on Wednesday in a plenary speech to Parliament for "consensus, balance and cooperation", but the government he leads has been noted in initiatives or statements that divide the society.

The latest "exodus" was the shocking statement by Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovich, who proposed limiting the diaspora's right to travel and work in Europe.

Another attack against the Romanian diaspora community was the violent repression of the 10 August demonstration. Minister Carmen Dan explained how he defended the gendarmerie and offended the protesters.

The biggest tensions in society are created by Justice Minister Tudorel Toader, who watches over the alliance's attacks on the rule of law and the fight against corruption.

The program of Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă of Thursday, November 29, announced by the press service of the government:

– visit of the Union monument in Alba Iulia (9,10)

– Meeting with His Eminence Irineu Pop, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Alba-Iulia (9:35 am – Cathedral of the Orthodox Meeting at Alba Iulia, Holy Trinity)

– Participation in the ceremony of depositing a wreath in front of the equestrian statue of Mihai Viteazul (10.00)

– Solemn meeting of the Government (10.30 am – Alba Carolina Fortress, Unirii Room)

– At the end of the government meeting, Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă participates in the document signing ceremony:
* Agreement between the Government of Romania and the representative union federations of education
* Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Federation of Construction Employers' Societies
* Signature in the book of honor of the citadel of Alba Carolina (Alba Carolina Fortress, Unirii Hall).

On the morning of December 1, 1918, in the union hall of Alba Iulia, at the time military casino, 1,228 delegates from Transylvania decided to unite to Romania. The Unirii Hall Building was built between 1898 and 1900 and is located in the Alba Carolina Fortress in Alba Iulia, being the most visited object in Alba County.

The United Nations Grand National Assembly introduced the United Nations resolution which included a comprehensive and advanced program of democratic reforms as the foundation of the new state.

The Union Hall of Alba Iulia was chosen to host the Grand National Assembly, as it was the largest building in Alba Iulia at that time, conducive to such an event. The construction is impressive, surrounded by more than 20 busts of personalities who have played a direct role in the Union, including Alexandru Vaida Voievod, Gheorghe Pop Băseşti, Vasile Goldiş or Iosif Jumanca.