Livia Stanciu was not thrown out. Last minute notes


Judge Livia Stanciu was not handed over to the INM, as reported in the press.

According to the press, after the decision of the ECHR concerning Mircia Gutau, which justified the mayor of Râmnicu-Vâlcea, Judge Livia Stanciu was expelled from the National Institute of the Judiciary for failing to ensure a fair trial.

It would appear that Livia Stanciu informed her that she would not have time to become a trainer at the institute because of her work in the CAR.

A last-minute explanation invalidates this:

"Given the information published in the press yesterday, on November 28, 2018, Mrs. Livia Stanciu, former President of the High Court of Cassation and Justice," was released from the NIM ", says the Staff Regulations. for retired magistrates, the management of the National Institute of the Judiciary can decide each year to maintain the quality of the trainer.

Judge Livia Stanciu recently informed NIM management of the lack of time to continue working as a trainer at the Institute, given the intense work of the Constitutional Court.. As such, the MNI management has not yet sought its advice to maintain its reign as a trainer for the next year of training. "

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